Ch. 5 - Pity Cake

Começar do início

He smiles. "Do you swim?"

My eyebrows bunch together. "Excuse me?"

"Do you swim? You know, in water and stuff."

"I don't see why that's relevant," I say slowly. Is the theme underwater? I thought it was Candy Land.

"My parents have a house on the beach and Lainey's band is throwing a party this weekend there. I wanted to invite you."

I take in a shaky breath. "I-I'll have to check my schedule."

I roll my eyes at my response. Asher smiles, looking pleased with my answer. "Let me know if you can."

He pushes himself off the locker and heads down the hallway. I admire his backside for a bit. "God bless America."

The five minute bell rings and I head to my first class. I take my seat, disappointed that Dexter isn't here for me to annoy.

"So, Riley, how was the party?"

My eye twitches as I turn around to face Georgia. "It was fun. How was your weeken-"

"Did you have sex with him?"

"No," I say in disgust. "I barely know him."

She rolls her eyes. "Well, it's rumored that you're Asher's next victim."

"Victim?" I ask, trying to hold back my snide comments. I fail. "Is he a serial killer?"

"I'm just trying to help you."

"Georgia, I don't even know your last name. We're not friends. Why would you want to help me?"

She looks at me in disgust. "You don't know my last name?"

I slowly turn around in my chair, shaking my head. High school is a weird place, my friends.

Class starts and I'm incredibly bored. I can literally feel Georgia glaring at the back of my head. I wish I knew her last name to make her feel better.

Dexter walks in late with a pass.

The teacher is in the middle of his sentence when I yell, "Dexter!"

Everyone turns to stare at me with raised eyebrows. I cringe and look at Dexter, who is actually holding back a laugh.

"Take a seat, Mr. Reed," my teacher says in annoyance.

Dexter walks through the rows of staring students to sit next to me. I hold my hand up for a high-five, but he doesn't make the action.

We have an opportunity to work with in groups, and obviously I force Dexter to be in mine. Georgia annoyingly joins our group.

Within the first minute, she asks, "did you guys kiss?"

"Me and Dexter?" I ask in fake confusion.

"No, obviously you and Asher."

"Well," I pause, "then no."

She hesitates and points in between Dexter and me. "Wait, you two have kissed?"

"Only in his dreams," I tease.

"One person from each group get the colored pencils," my teacher instructs.

"Georgia," Dexter and I both deem at the same time.

She rolls her eyes an goes to get the colored pencils.

Dexter traces out the map as I watch him carefully. He's a really talented artist. Hidden artist. This kid is always getting cooler.

"You should ask Georgia to homecoming. I totally see you guys together."

Kiss CamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora