White Marquee

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You and Armin both cried the entire way home from the clinic. The past few weeks had been so hectic, but it was as if everything was more real now. There was actual life inside of you. It was insane to think about. You clutch your red purse and the sonogram Hange printed for you. Your fiancé opens the car door for you, after which he quickly rushes over to the front door to do the same. You giggle.

'Babe, I can handle it. Thank you, though,' you say as you walk in.

You sit down on your plush, black couch. The context makes you smile as you remember the countless times you had "tried" there. There'd be no more time for that after your kid came along. Armin sits beside you, casually wrapping his arm around you. He rests his head on your shoulder. You were roughly the same height as him, so he often did this. You didn't mind though, it was sweet. He slowly takes the sonogram from your hand, staring at it with admiration.

'Wow...' Armin whispered breathlessly.

'I don't think I've ever seen you at such a loss for words, Armin,' you say.

'Oh...um...I just think they're beautiful. Like you, y/n!' He stammers.

You smile, leaning more into his touch. 'They look like you.'

'Really? I think they look more like you.'

'Why do you say that?'

'You're small and cute, they're small and cute. Like mother, like daughter. Or son! Or anything else really, I don't judge...'

You kiss your fiancé's cheek, before pulling out your phone. Time to tell your friends. You had told Sasha on the down-low right after you took the test, but nobody knew that it was confirmed via blood test other than you and Armin. They were like your family, given that you no longer spoke to your parents, nor were Armin's parents on this earth anymore. You text your group-chat with your closest friends.

Wanna get lunch? I'm buying, you text.

Absolutely, Sasha replies.

Yeah I'll come, Eren's having a boys' day with Tristan so I'm free, Mikasa says.

Sure, I'd love to come, Historia replies, sweet as ever.

I'll pick you up in half an hour, you text back.

'Babe, I'm going out with the girls, I'll be home later. Oh, and I need this,' you say as you put on your parka jacket, taking the sonogram from its place on the couch.

'Okay, be safe. I love you, y/n,' your fiancé replies.

'I love you too, Armin.'

You, Historia, Mikasa and Sasha sat in the same car you cried in this morning. Sasha rode shotgun, while Mikasa and Historia shared the backseat. Sasha was in charge of the AUX, having chosen the timeless Mamma Mia soundtrack.

'Y/n, where are we going?' Historia queries.

'I thought we could try a different place this time. We always go to the place next to Mikasa's,' you oblige.

'Yeah, because they have the best bagels! This new place better have bagels,' Sasha whines.

Mikasa leans forward from behind the passenger seat. 'Sasha, you'd be happy with anything vaguely edible, and you know I'm right,' Mikasa says candidly, to which Sasha rolls her eyes.

'I guess it's better than eating Connie's food. That man cannot cook,' the girl in the passenger seat admits.

You pull into a parking space by the beach, the white sand perfectly contrasting with the crashing cerulean waves that always reminded you of your fiancé. The four of you exit the car and walk towards a chic-looking building. Café Sina, its white marquee sign read.

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