Peppermint Tea

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Despite the events of the past half hour, you still found the composure to traipse back to your bed to make up for your lost sleep. You pull away slightly from Armin's embrace, still processing the fact that you were going to make this man a father. He gazes into your sleepy, e/c orbs. You stare back, casually admiring your fiancé's cerulean eyes. He was almost a cliché, the ocean-loving boy with ocean-blue eyes. In a way, his eyes were an ocean: so strong and full of emotion, yet calm and gentle. They made you feel safe in a way that no wall could. You smile at him.

'I'm going back to bed,' you mumble groggily as you reach for the door handle.

Suddenly, Armin's warm hand cups your shoulder, a welcome surprise from the chills you experienced on the floor. You turn back to face him, eyes wide.

'Y/n...are you sure you're okay to go upstairs by yourself? I don't want you...or the get hurt,' he questions.

You smile back at Armin, reaching in to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. It really was quite comforting to see him care so much about you, though you hadn't expected anything else. Ever since you started dating, he was always what some might call overprotective or overbearing. But that was just Armin; intelligent enough to know that you could handle yourself, but still overly perceptive of the dangers this world has to offer.

'Honey, I'm just as pregnant as I was when I walked down the stairs half-asleep in the dark. I think I'll be okay,' you reassure him, to no avail to alleviate his worried demeanour.

'Can I at least hold your hand? I know it's early but still-' he begins, his already blushed cheeks intensifying.

'Shhh,' you place your index finger up to his lips. 'You can hold my hand, let's go.'

Armin guides you up the stairs, despite having lived in this house for a good 2 years, traipsing up and down the stairs every day. It was nice to have someone who cared, though, as overbearing as he may seem. Every so often, he would look down, even though your grip on his hand remained constant.

'Gosh, if you're like this now, I'm scared for 8 months down the track,' you tease as you reach the door to your bedroom.

'Well excuse me for looking out for the soon-to-be Mrs. Arlert, and company,' Armin jeers back.

You roll your eyes jokingly. 'My god, you're cheesy.'

'Takes one to know one. Anyway, my chauffeur service ends here, m'lady.'

'Exhibit A.'

Your fiancé heads back downstairs, briefly glancing at you before doing so. You flop on the mattress face-first, forgetting your bathroom discovery. Oops. The adrenaline you had gotten from that was a hell of a drug, but by god were you tired. Crawling into bed, you snuggle under the plush selection of blankets. You loved Armin, but your love for not having to share the king-sized bed almost challenged that. Almost as quickly as you hopped into bed, you feel your eyelids heavy, sending you off to sleep.

You're awoken by a sudden brightness in your room. Armin had read somewhere that waking up with natural light was better for one's health, so definitively, this was his doing. You groan, peeking out from under the covers. Your fiancé stands at the window with his back turned to you, adjusting the layers of curtains that framed your view of the brick wall outside your window. It wasn't the best view, but your townhouse was close enough to the sea to keep Armin happy. The slight rustling of your blankets caught his attention, thus ceasing his activity. The blond sits down on the bed, stroking your hair.

'Good morning!' Armin greets you cheerfully, even though it was approaching midday.

You try to smile back at him, despite his involvement in your rude awakening. However, your forgiving nature overpowered your distaste. 'Hey,' you reply, sitting up.

'I made you some tea! I couldn't decide whether peppermint or chamomile would be better for you, so I made you both, I hope that's okay,' he admits.

Tea was definitely your love language. As a long-term anxiety sufferer, it gave you a sense of comfort that not much else could. Maybe it was the taste, or even the sensation of its hot steam on your upper lip. More realistically, it was probably the lack of caffeine: coffee just gave you the shakes, well, more so than usual. You smile at him, thanking him as you grasp the mug of peppermint tea in both your hands.

'I know you'd probably prefer a matcha latte, y/n, but while you were asleep, I remembered my grandpa giving me peppermint tea when I was feeling sick as a kid, so I thought maybe it would help. Turns out it's pretty good for nausea, and chamomile too!' Armin continues.

God, he was so cute when he went down these rabbit-holes. He'd remember some fact and not even five minutes later, he would have a stack of books on the matter. So smart, but he never let it get to his head. It was one of the many things you loved about your fiancé, especially when he made a point to gain expertise in something that you had even offhandedly mentioned. You were surrounded by loving friends, but Armin made you feel cared for in a way that nobody ever had before.

'Honey, it's okay. You did great. Thank you, Armin,' you tell him, as you give him a peppermint-scented kiss, to which he colours.

'Oh, I almost forgot! I made an appointment with your doctor, just to make sure. I mean- I'm sure you are...but those tests aren't 100% accurate, you know. But we've been trying for so long, I'm sure it'll be okay-' he begins, before you cut him off.

'Don't get yourself worked up, okay? We're going to be parents, no matter what, okay?'

'Okay. I love you, y/n.'

'I love you too, Armin. When do we have to be at the appointment?'


You didn't like having to calculate what time it was. 'In real people speak, please.'

'Right! 2pm.'

'Okay, best I get up then.'

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