1. Arrival

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" That new girl who's coming to see the tour is Hope Mikealson

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" That new girl who's coming to see the tour is Hope Mikealson."

17 Years Ago

" How is this possible?" Aurora asks to Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena as they looked at the thing on the bed.

" Well it could be wrong, here go do these two so we can be sure." Elena told her, giving her to items, Aurora grabbed them and walked away.

The girls waited patiently for her to finish and when she came back she put them on the bed and they waited 2 minutes for the results. Two Long minutes.

Once the time was up Bonnie checked the results and they were both positive, just like the first.

" Oh my God. How?"

" Well it could be because he was born a werewolf but magic made him a vampire, so Nature's Loophole." Bonnie explained. The girls nodded there head in understanding.

" I can't believe it I'm pregnant." Aurora said with a smile.

" You should tell Klaus, but if he hurts you I will hurt him." Caroline threatened.

Aurora laughed and went to the Mikealsons Mansion and knocked on the door.

" Aurora, looking for Klaus I assume." Elijah said as he opened the door.

She nodded and a hand rest on her stomach and Elijah noticed. Then he heard it. 4 heartbeats.

He smiled. " Congratulations. I'll show you to Niklaus."

They both walk up stairs to klaus's room, both to engaged in their conversation to notice the noises coming from inside. One Aurora opened the door she gasped at the sight infront of her and Elijah looked shocked but was also disappointed in his brother.

" How could you?" She said with tears in her eyes. While Klaus looked confused as he looked between her and a smirking Hayley. She took of her Engagement ring and threw it at him then stormed out of the house.


Aurora got out of her car and walked towards Michelle's Coffee Shop. She opened the door and ordered her usual. 5 minutes later they called her name, she grabbed both drinks and headed towards the exit was she ran into someone, thankfully not dropping her drinks.

" oh, I'm so sorry. I should have been paying attention to where I was going." Aurora apologize.

" Its fine. I'm Freya by th way." She said with a smile. " Your the head mistress of The Salvatore Boarding School."

" Ya I am."

" I actually enrolled my niece there earlier today."

" Well I can give you a tour at 3 if you like." Aurora offered.

Freya nodded and they both went their separate ways.

When Aurora arrived back at the school it was 2:30. She went to Alarics office and handed him his coffee and informed him about the tour. Then went to her office to do some work.

20 minutes later Alaric came into her office with a worried look on his face.

" Whats wrong Ric?"

" That new girl who's coming to see the tour is Hope Mikealson" He informed her.

Her eyes widened and she left to find the twins to inform the The Mikealson are back in town.

She entered James room to find Lili and Diana with him doing homework.

" Kids remember when I told you about your father?" She asked walking to them and sitting in front of them.

They nodded. " Well they are back in town-" James growled. " And they enrolled Hope, Your sister. They're coming in a couple of minutes" She informed them.

" Well we don't wanna know Klaus, he's not our Father Stefan is. But we do want to know Hope." James said speaking for all of them and the girls nodded.

She smiled and nodded and left to do the tour. When she entered the room she saw the whole Mikealson family sanding in front of her with Alaric.

She gave them a smile as she approached them. Her smile widened as she saw Kol and Elijah. She squealed and tackled them into a hug. They immediately hugged her back.

" I missed you losers."

" We missed you too, Darling."

She released them from the hug then turned to Davina, and pulled her into a hug. " I missed you to Vina."

" I did too."

She released Davina, ignoring the looks from the other Mikealson and turned to Hope.

" You must be Hope." She said smiling kindly at the youngest in the group. Ignoring Klaus's gaze.

" Nice to meet you Mrs. Forbes."

" Nice to meet you too. Now let begin the tour, shall we?"


Authors Note:

I'll try to update daily, but I do have school so it's either daily or everywhere day I'd I can.


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