Chapter 16: Terms of Endearment

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Khushi went back to packing, while Arnav sat in the living room on his phone, sending emails and trying to focus on work, while his mind kept wandering to who Nishant was.

The landline started ringing, and Khushi ran out and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?", breathlessly.


"Shut up, Pervert! I was in the bedroom and ran to get your call"

Arnav's eyebrows raised a bit in surprise at her lively tone. Must be a friend!


Khushi sighed, "Get your mind out of the gutter. I was packing in the bedroom.... Packing my bags. I'm leaving for about a month"


"No, in Delhi itself. Staying with the Raizadas for a bit"


"Yes, Lavu's in-laws.... It's complicated. Will explain when I see you in person"


"Yeah, Preeto aunty gave me the parcel and the documents. Let Sanky know that I received them, ok? What are the documents?"


"Oh really? Another one? You're too generous, Sweetie. I really shouldn't accept it from you, but I know you won't take no for an answer, so thank you. I'll sign the paper and return it to you by courier, ok?"


"I haven't opened the parcel yet. Is it what I think it is?"


"Oh My God. That was so fast. I only showed it to you 3 months ago. You got it already? Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I was so looking forward to it. I'll owe you for this one"


"Why does your mind go there immediately?"


"Ok, fine! I'll have something for you when I see you next"


"What do you mean? I don't see you often? I just spent a week with you in Mumbai"


"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You're the one who dragged me there. I didn't want to go in the first place. I was perfectly fine staying here at home, cozy and happy"


"You can deposit it in my account as usual. And Nishant, thank you!" Khushi's gentle tone at the end unnerved Arnav.

She smiled at the phone as she hung it up, and then picked up the parcel and took it into the study. The door closed behind her, raising Arnav's curiosity even more.

He'd listened to one end of this conversation, and it was disturbing him. He didn't want to believe it, but the evidence was in front of him. Khushi had a Sugar Daddy named Nishant.

Somebody she hesitated to call just her friend. Someone who sent her gifts on a regular basis. Someone who deposited money into her account, as usual. Someone she went on a weeklong vacation with, when she would've preferred to cozy up with him at home. This was why she could afford to stay in this swanky locality on her meagre teacher's salary. She was having an affair with this Nishant guy and he was putting her up in style.

Arnav was incensed. She pretended to be all goody-goody, while accepting expensive gifts from this guy. It sounded like she really liked this Nishant though. So why not just declare him her boyfriend? Why call him just a friend? She could just marry the guy, couldn't she? Though the thought didn't sit well with him, for some reason. Maybe because he'd just spent the last evening marrying her with all religious ceremony. But why would she not marry Nishant? Was he already married? Is Khushi having an affair with a married man? That would explain everything!

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