Chapter 12: While You Were Sleeping

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Arnav was pacing in his room. As soon as the last guest had left, he had left the living room to escape from his family. It was all his fault. He should've insisted on following his instincts when he saw Lavanya so subdued during the pre-wedding rituals. He'd ignored all the signs of a completely disinterested bride. He should've known that just because he was disinterested doesn't mean the bride should be too. After all, the Kashyaps had proposed this wedding, so it would mean that Lavanya was agreeable to this alliance.

He remembered Akash and Payal's recent wedding. The atmosphere was so much fun there with the bride and groom both blushing and glowing in their happiness. Payal was animated and interested in all the rituals, stealing glances at Akash every chance she got. Lavanya had refused to even meet his eyes. During his Di's bidaii, everyone had criticized her for not crying. She'd retorted that she was marrying the man of her dreams, and moving two blocks away. What was there to cry about? The family had had a good laugh about it, while Shyam had blushed at her boldness. Lavanya had not even had a proper conversation with him. He'd had more interactions with Khushi than Lavanya during this entire fiasco.

If this were a business deal, he would've insisted on spending more time analysing the papers, meeting with the people involved, gauging their interest level. And this should've been the biggest deal of his life. His marriage. Why had he been so disinterested? How had he missed all the signs? Why had he not trusted his instincts when he'd thought that Lavanya didn't appear interested? He should've atleast insisted on going on a couple of dates with her, just so he could get to know her better. Maybe this entire fiasco could've been avoided. He suspected that the Kashyaps were not being entirely honest. Even if they were, why wouldn't they insist on Lavanya staying and confronting everyone on the day of the wedding? Atleast ask her to meet with the groom once to have a conversation about whatever was causing this anxiety. But his instincts were telling him that there was something more to it. And he needed to find out what. But how? First thing tomorrow, he'd ask Aman to get a private investigator to make some discreet inquiries about Lavanya. Maybe she did have a boyfriend and had eloped. Or a doctor who would attest to her anxiety issues. And then, there was Khushi. He'd seen how the two friends had stuck to each other during the ceremonies. The soothing effect Khushi had on Lavanya. After the engagement ceremony, he'd seen how disturbed Lavanya was, and how she'd relaxed after Khushi had spoken to her.

Khushi definitely knew something. He'd also noticed how she'd scoffed at Sameer Kashyap when the explanations for Lavanya's absence from the wedding venue were being given. She was definitely more involved than she let on. And guessing at her loyalty to Lavanya and her antagonistic attitude with him, she wouldn't tell him anything even if he'd asked. He wondered if she'd be more amenable to telling his family something, she did get along with them a lot better than with him. But then, didn't everyone!? Though there was that one moment in the garden when they were both quietly standing, when his thoughts were at peace and the restlessness he'd had for the last few days was finally calm. It was weird, being around Khushi riled him up, but also calmed him down.

He needed to talk to her to find out exactly what was up with Lavanya. He started out of the room, until he realized that it was pretty late, he should talk to her tomorrow, she must've already gone home by now. Yikes, it was pretty late! How did she get home? The drivers had all left after dropping them here. Maybe Akash or Shyam had dropped her off, he reasoned. But now he was worried, he needed to know if she was alright and had reached her house safely.

But why was he worried about her? Its none of his business what she does. Why should her safety make a difference to him? .... He sighed! She was a woman traveling the streets of Delhi alone at night, of course, he was worried. He'd be worried for any stranger, and this was Khushi. Technically, she was his wife now, though nobody knew that outside of his family and the Kashyaps. Wife.... that word didn't sit as weirdly with him as it did this last week. Maybe he was getting used to it now. He better go check with someone how she got home. Maybe he'd drop her off if she was still here.

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