Chapter 6: La La Land

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The discussion broke off soon enough with dinner being announced. Lavanya grabbed Khushi and Tina and the three of them sat at a table eating. A few minutes later, Anjali and Payal joined them and they appeared to have a gala time laughing and eating. Arnav just shook his head at their instant friendship, but was glad that Lavanya was opening up to his family, if not to him.

He was sitting with Akash and Shyam and a few other cousins, all of them laughing and teasing him, and dissecting the Sangeet performances.

"Akash, Khushi is Lavanya's friend, right?", one of Akash's friends stopped by, talking to him.

"Uh huh", Akash mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"Is she married?"

"I don't think so"

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

"Why do you want to know, Prakash?", Akash was suspicious.

"It's a wedding, dude! This is where a maximum of future weddings are decided. I just need you to introduce me to her", Prakash clarified.

"What is this? The 1950s. You can go talk to her yourself, you know", Arnav interjected, annoyed with this guy for no reason. He'd never particularly liked Prakash, thinking him too flaky and superficial.

"But every guy here who is single, is making the same excuse to go talk to her. Complimenting her about her performance tonight. I want a unique way to approach her. So if you or Akash introduce me, it'll give me an automatic "in", right?", Prakash had thought this one through apparently.

"You want me to introduce you to Khushi?", Arnav asked incredulously.

"Yes please..... Please ASR? Now that you found the love of your life, you need to help us, other single guys. Its only fair!", he chuckled.

"Ask Akash. I don't even know her very well. And I wouldn't wish her on anybody anyway. She's bloody irritating", Arnav was getting riled up for no reason.

Prakash was not surprised at his grouchiness. After all, it was ASR. He turned to Akash with a pleading expression.

"Sure, later though. Have to eat first", Akash agreed.

"Thanks Buddy", Prakash walked away happy.

Arnav just shook his head. A dance and guys were flocking to her? What stupidity?... Although, it was a superior performance. And she was passably pretty. However, it'd take a lot more than a pretty face or a superior dance to make her personality appealing, according to him. He snorted at poor Prakash's fate if she decided to treat him to her acid tongue. He just wouldn't be able to keep up. She was sharp, that one!

Loud laughter from the ladies' table brought the guys' attention back to them. He noted Akash and Shyam staring at the table with fond expressions, likely smiling at their spouses. He scoffed at their devotion to their wives, but was secretly glad that his brother and sister had spouses who were still in love with them. He looked at the laughing ladies..... they did present a pretty, happy picture, and his gaze stuck on Khushi, and try as he might, it wouldn't budge. She was beautiful as all hell, and when she laughed, it lit her and everything around her up. If only, she didn't rile him up so much.

He watched as Hrishi ran up to her, and babbled excitedly. She was listening and nodding with a big smile on her face, giving him her full attention, and he wondered fleetingly what it would be like to have all that smiling focus only on him.

"Bhai, you might want to dial it down a bit. Lavanya Bhabhi might not be able to take this Intense Ashiq look", he heard Akash's teasing voice.

Arnav startled. Then felt guilty, he was not looking at his fiancée at all, and this would just not do. He'd never been the roving eye type and wouldn't start now. He made an effort to drag his eyes off of Khushi and gazed at Lavanya. She was looking very pretty, and the dimples were out in full force as she appeared to be enjoying herself. This was the first time he'd seen her all flushed and happy-looking, and he was grateful for that. It put to rest the niggling doubt he had that maybe this marriage was not according to her wish. She did appear to be a pushover where her father was concerned, based on the one dinner when he had seen them together. But she appeared relaxed and happy now, so maybe it was just his presence that had made her nervous earlier. He was used to this effect he had on the people around him, so maybe he was worrying for nothing. She'd get used to him, and then they could work on their relationship. He relaxed after that thought and went back to his meal, conversing contentedly with his brothers.

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