Coralie x Fem Reader

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): come here often?

Coralie: Eh, not really. I'm only here because I'm waiting for someone.

(Y/n): Who are you waiting on?

Coralie: I'm waiting on a friend of mine. Well, she's not really a friend. She's my cousin.

(Y/n): Ah. K.

There was a moment of silence before I thought I should keep the conversation going. She just sat there and stared at me, occasionally adjusting her glasses.

(Y/n):'s it going?

Coralie: It's...decent for me. And you?

I was tempted to hold back the truth, but I had a certain feeling inside of me. It was like...I could trust her. After taking a deep breath, I let it out of my chest.

(Y/n): It's seriously awful. I'm constantly getting mistreated by boys and girls alike at my school. And it's not just today. I get a daily dose of that. I try to look up to the teachers, but what do they do? NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

I was beginning to lose myself.

(Y/n): Life just SUCKS! I almost want to give up on life...

Coralie was visibly taken aback by my shouting as her head sinks low and she averts her eyes. I thought she was startled by my shouting, but then I heard the unexpected again.

Coralie: ...I have it bad, too.

Does she suffer the same fate as me? I thought about it, as I tempted her to go on.

(Y/n): It's okay. You can tell me.

Coralie: No...I'd rather not...

(Y/n): Please? It's okay, you can trust me.

Coralie: ...why should I tell you?

(Y/n): Well, we're girls, and we should always have each others' backs, right?

Coralie stared at me then slightly cracked a smile.

Coralie: Now where have I heard that before...?

We both share a cute and genuine laugh, which was the first one ever I had in my life. It felt...really good. Like my life has meaning again.

Coralie: Alright...where to start...

I adjusted my seating and prepared to listen to a story.

Coralie: Well, when I was around 5 or 6, I unknowingly kidnapped people for my father. I asked him why, and he said that they were "sacrifices". I don't know what the heck he meant, but I just shook it off. But in time, I began to learn more about my father. The people chosen and kidnapped as sacrifices were for his cult. When I got older, I saw him holding a brain in a jar. And it was labeled...mother.

Coralie's voice began to break as she held back a tear or two.

Coralie: I realized that my father has killed her...and it was too much for me to take in. It was so severe that I ended up running away from home to get away from the cult. And now, here I am...

It took me about a minute to take in what she said. Geez, sounds like her life is worse than mine. I guess it was really bad and traumatic for her, as I saw a few tears streaming down her cheeks.

I did what came instinctively; I got up from my seat and gave her a warm hug.

Coralie: ...what are you-

I cut her off.

(Y/n): I'm really, really sorry for what happened to you.

Coralie just sat there in silence, before she eventually returned the hug.

Coralie: (Y/n)...thank you. I'm also sorry for what you had to go through.

While we hugged, a red Porsche drove up to coffee shop we were at and the window rolled down, revealing two young women.

Coralie's Cousin: Hey hey hey! Looks like my little Cor is finally making friends.

Coralie just blankly stared at her as the door to the Porsche opened.

Coralie: Well, my ride is here. Take care, I guess I'll see you later.

I approached her.

(Y/n): Friends?

Coralie looked down for a moment and places a hand by her face. Then she got in the Porsche as the window rolled down. She looked to me and smiles.

Coralie: Friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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