Coralie x Fem Reader

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Requested by Emeraldjademoon12

—(Y/N)'S POV—

It's really tough being a girl in school. The boys spread rumors about me, and the girls don't want anything to do with me. I try to tell the teachers, but they are no help at all. Man, school sucks, and I was really starting to hate my life. It was time to go home and I began walking home, deciding to get a pick-me-up on the way.

As I approached a nearby coffee shop, I never would've guessed that I made my first friend.


It was just another boring day of being a runaway. I've been hanging around this coffee shop for what felt like hours. I checked the time, 3:46 PM. Where could my cousin be? Desperate, I rang her.

Coralie: Hello?

Coralie's Cousin: Heya, Cor!

Coralie: Heya. Where exactly are you?

Coralie's Cousin: Out shopping.

Coralie: You- you never told me you went shopping!

Coralie's Cousin: I know I should've told you beforehand...I'm sorry.

Coralie: *sigh* Are you done?

Coralie's Cousin: Nope. I have about five or six items left.

Coralie: haven't finished yet??

Coralie's Cousin: Chill. I'm coming straight for you after shopping.

Coralie: How much longer do I need to wait before you come back?

Coralie's Cousin: Give me about 20-30 minutes.

Coralie: Ok then...don't be late.

Coralie's Cousin: I won't.

I hung up. Why didn't they tell me they had other plans? I took a deep breath and exhaled. Just have some patience.

As I went outside, I saw another girl with a black eye. This concerned me, so I went up to her.

Coralie: Goodness. Who gave you that?

—(Y/N'S) POV—

What I heard couldn't have been real. I didn't want to believe it, but I had no choice but to accept that another girl has expressed concern for me. What's more, she looked appealing with long red hair, rounded glasses, and cat headphones.

(Y/n): I just came back from school, and one of the boys in my class did this to me.

I sighed at my answer to the girl, but then I heard something different.

Coralie: Sit down, let's talk.

Wait, she actually wants to talk to me? I has trouble believing it, but it was really happening alright. So I sat down on an outdoor table chair across from her.

(Y/n): Okay, first off, who are you? And why do you have concern for me?

Coralie: Name's Coralie. Why do I have concern for you you say? Well, both of us are girls. I think we should look out for each other right?

Never did I think I would hear those words in my entire life. I'm beginning to gain faith in myself. Maybe I should talk with her more.

(Y/n): I...thank you.

Coralie: Mhm. Who are you, by the way?

(Y/n): Name's (Y/n):

Coralie: Okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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