How you first met, Part 2

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-You were out shopping one day went you saw QT shopping as well (she looks short but she is canonically 18-20)

-She instantly recognizes you as her childhood friend

-You don't remember her at all, but she kindly jogs your memory

-You suddenly remember the years of elementary school you had with her

-After getting caught up, she hugs you and you do so back


-You have just begun your shift as a part-time bartender

-Your first customers begin coming in

-One of them is a thicc pussycat, who obviously catches your customers' attention

-Unlike the others, who were simping over her (for obvious reasons), you kept cool and served everyone normally

-You occasionally made small talk with her, which she enjoyed

-As with the customers, you could hear her saying "Please, boys, one at a time."

-You finish your shift after long hours of trying not to stare at the cat's big melons

-Speak of the devil, the ara ara-type girl shows up outside and catches sight of you

-Waves over to you and you wave back as you approach her

-She tells you that the other guys were lame degenerates but you were actually pretty cool

-You thank her and asks her name, which she gives as Maggie

-She tells you that she comes over to this place often, and you part ways for now telling her that 


-You both met in 10th grade

-You were one of the smartest students in class, and Abby didn't fail to notice

-You were able to answer almost every question the teacher threw at you

-After school, Abby approached you

-"Don't take this the wrong way, but you're pretty cool. For a dude, I mean. Most of the guys in the class are complete idiots."

-You were flattered by this and thank her

-"Hey, n-not so loud...!"

-You intently lower your voice and Abby asks if you would like to hang out, which you gladly agree to


-You were chilling at a cafe when you see a girl with cat headphones looking around like a lost person

-You ask her if she is lost, to which she responds with no

-She says that she is waiting for a friend who goes by the name of Mirabelle

-She says that her friend might take a while, so you take this opportunity and try to converse with her

-She introduces herself as Coralie and decided to converse with you since there's nothing else for her to do other than wait

-You chat with her for about 25 minutes before her friend arrives.

-You give Coralie and her friend your name, and she introduces you to her friend

-Coralie says that she herself comes by this place often and that whenever you get the chance, she'd like to talk to you more as she finds you pleasant to talk to

-You blush a bit from her compliments, which she notices and gives you a smug look


-You were watching vintage cartoons in black-and-white

-One of your favorite characters from the show, Chira, did one of her famous fourth wall breaks as the episode ends

-You sigh as you wish she could be real

-All of a sudden, Chira crawls out of the TV screen and into reality, as if it were a dream

-You pinch yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming, and sure enough you weren't

-She talks in a Southern accent

-You converse with her about how you watch the show all the time and that she was your favorite character

-"Well, I'm flattered! To be honest, I thought the people who watch them old vintage-style cartoons died off! Looks like I was wrong."

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