"Yes." He thrust again and she gave a loud moan. "Yes! Let me touch you. Please." She held up their bound wrists.

Mikael lowered his head, unbinding the black ribbon with his teeth. Estelle threw both of her arms around his neck, kissing him hungrily. Mikael matched her energy, still moving his hips at a steady pace. Estelle could only cling to him, moaning his name as he unmade her, stroke by stroke.


All too soon, the time came for them to return to Velaris. Mikael buckled his leathers in place and helped Estelle resituate her gown. She clasped her necklaces and shook the last of the snowdrops from her hair. Mikael watched her with a satisfied smile. She moved gracefully, although there was a slight waver in her steps.

That was her own doing, as much as it was his. When it was her turn to be on top, she'd done exactly as Mikael asked. She let the shadows help. He'd never felt anything like those cold wraiths wrapped around his wrists, keeping him from touching Estelle. One of them had even positioned itself at his throat, applying enough pressure to arouse him, but not enough to instigate any panic or memory of his recent experiences with being strangled.

She had wanted him to claim her slowly. Intimately. He wanted her to claim him wildly. Without restraint. She had. Mikael had seen the few marks she left on his skin and the sight filled him with feral instincts. He could still picture the gleam in her eyes as she rode him hard, her hand also squeezing him at regular intervals.

"Easy," Estelle murmured, running her hand up his arm and onto his shoulder. "We have to at least pretend we want to be there and not...somewhere else."

"We could just stay here," Mikael replied, kissing her neck.

"No," she laughed. "I've never missed a Starfall celebration yet. I won't start now."

"All right," he sighed, letting her lead him out of the bedroom and beyond the cabin. Shadows carried them to the House of Wind.

Estelle guided him inside. All of the lights were out. Not even a single candle burned within the hallways. Music and laughter drifted from one room. They stepped inside and were greeted by their friends and family at once.

No one commented about the black ribbon missing from their wrists, for which Mikael was grateful. He'd saved that ribbon. It was stashed in his pocket. He had wicked plans for it later. He had wicked plans for Estelle. He had wicked plans for himself.

Mikael kept an arm around Estelle as they walked over to one of the many balconies extending from the House of Wind. Twilight was upon the Night Court. Mikael guessed Starfall would begin soon.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Venelia speaking with Azriel's mother. A few of their words reached his ears. "Well, I have been looking for some reliable help," the older female said, her voice soft and uncertain.

"I could bake some samples for you to try, so you can assess my skills," Venelia suggested.

Azriel's mother smiled hesitantly. "All right. Bring your specialties by my bakery sometime next week. If I'm impressed, I'll set you to work at once." Venelia beamed with excitement.

Estelle tapped Mikael's shoulder, catching his attention. "Dance with me," she said. "Starfall is about to begin."

Mikael nodded and slipped an arm around her waist. They moved out further on the balcony, waltzing to the sweet music that echoed all around. Estelle leaned her head against Mikael's chest and he smiled down at her, stroking the Bond. She returned the gesture.

He half closed his eyes as they danced. Presently, a quiet melody reached him. One not made by instruments. Mikael swallowed, glancing down at Estelle. She didn't raise her head, but continued singing.

Mikael fought back tears, watching her. She was wearing a gown. She was singing. She was... She was everything. Everything he had ever wanted. Everything he had ever needed. She completed him. Estelle ceased singing, lifting her head.

"Look," she said.

Mikael followed her gaze to the sky. Dozens of stars streaked across the inky canvas, leaving glowing trails behind. Some flew closer to the House, and he could see that they were different colors. They were all beautiful.

"You said they were spirits?" Mikael asked, keeping his voice quiet. Estelle nodded. "And they do this every year?" She nodded again. A lump formed in his throat as a thought occurred to him. "Do you think my mother has ever been with them?"

Estelle looked up at him, smiling as she gave him a nod. "Maybe she's with them now. I'm sure she knows what today is. I know she'd be here if she could." She pressed their foreheads together briefly. "She would be proud of you. Prince of Sunrises. Angel of Dawn. My mate. My equal. Mikael Anik."

Mikael kissed her, then rested his cheek atop her head, watching the spirits as they crossed the sky. One soared by, close enough to leave a smear of red and gold on his cheek. Mikael stared at the spirit, recognizing the colors, and he knew Estelle was right.

He smiled to himself with a contented sigh. He had everything he needed right there with him. He wouldn't face the challenges of the future alone. He was a warrior now, in both the ranks of the Peregryns and the Illyrians. He had his friends and family around him. He had his mate at his side. Mikael tightened his arm around Estelle, watching as the stars paved the path towards a new beginning.

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