The Birthday Festival

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Goryeo is celebrating the Queen Mother's birthday.

 Queen Mother Gongwon is regarded as the Mother of the Nation in Goryeo. So her birthday is one of the most important national events for Goryeo. To celebrate this occasion they prepare a festival for both the general people and the people working at different levels of the palace.

The royal palace has invited all of the royal administrators and nobles. The tables are served with delicious foods prepared by the royal kitchen. This is going to be a great day.

But not for Concubine Seo.

She is not feeling comfortable right now. The heavy silk dress is making her feel so warm. The delicious food served on the table seemed so disgusting to her. She has tried to hold herself normal for so long.

But at last, the strong urge to throw up makes her stand up hurriedly and she steps towards the empty corridor. She doesn't want to create any embarrassment for the royal family.

After a few moments, a maid comes and whispers to the nearest eunuch who delivers the news to Emperor Sinjong.

As Sinjong reaches her, he finds out she is panting while sitting on one side. She has become exhausted after throwing up.

"Are you okay?" The Emperor asks with an anxious voice.

"Your Imperial Majesty! I didn't eat too much last night. I don't know why," She covers her mouth as another urge to throw up hits her and she ends up throwing up again. 

Sinjong holds Yun Hee's shoulder. Her eyes have become teary. But she tries to be normal.

"I should attend."

"You don't have to, Yun Hee. Just go back to the palace," Sinjong says.

"I should first receive permission from Her Royal Highness," Concubine Seo tries to smile. 

As she tries to stand up, she falls. But Sinjong holds her before falling to the ground. 

"Yun Hee?"

She doesn't respond except groaning. He takes her in his arms in bridal style.


Emperor Sinjong returns to the festival after placing Concubine Seo in the concubines' palace. Not staying at the festival is going to make his mother angrier thinking she is again manipulating the Emperor's attention. She believes Concubine Seo continuously tries to keep Sinjong at her side by using her beauty.

After the end of the festival, he summons Royal Physician Han who has now taken charge to treat Concubine Seo.

"Her Highness is okay now. It's not a sickness."

"Then what is it?" Emperor Sinjong narrows his eyebrows.

"Your Imperial Majesty, Concubine Seo is pregnant again."

Emperor Sinjong becomes silent for a few moments.

"Does anyone else know?" Sinjong asks.

"Not yet."

"Not even any maid?"

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Then keep it a secret. Don't even tell the Queen Mother. Makeup something to cover it for her until I further say anything about this pregnancy."


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