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Concubine Seo takes a spoonful of soup near her mouth, an urge to throw up shakes her body. She covers her mouth with her hands and retches.

"Your Highness, are you okay? Is anything wrong?" the Court Lady from Royal Kitchen who is now in charge of serving her food panics.

"I can't eat this. Take this away," Concubine Seo pushes away the bowl of soup.

"You should eat. You are not eating properly nowadays, Your Highness."

"Can you tell Court Lady Kim to prepare seaweed soup without any spices with bit salt & sesame oil only? And also a fried salted sea fish. Tell her to add a little bit of spice only. Spices are giving me the urge to throw up. Tell her to be cautious while using anything spicy in my food."

The maid hesitates a bit, Court Lady Kim said to make sure that Concubine Seo should specifically eat this soup. But Concubine Seo is being so picky about food nowadays, even not eating so much.

As the maid takes leave, Concubine Seo stands up and takes out a jar from the shelf on the wall. The jar contains dried fruit pieces soaked in sugar syrup. Nowadays she is craving this dried fruit so much. Concubine Park has given these jars to her. She has also given sweet dry rice cakes. These are the foods that Concubine Seo is eating more nowadays, besides a few foods from the royal kitchen.

Hearing the knock, Concubine Seo looks back. Concubine Park's head is peeking through the door.

"Yun Hee, do you like these foods?" Concubine Park enters the room.

"These are really so good. I don't know why I only crave these foods," Concubine Seo keeps the jar on the shelf.

"Then I should send my maid to bring more food from my family kitchen. Those are a bit different from the royal kitchen's food depending on the use of spices ."

"Thank you so much, Seung Deokie," Concubine Seo laughs. She has really become so close with Concubine Park these days.


As the court lady comes back with the tray that was sent to Concubine Seo, Court Lady Kim Tae Hee feels disgusted. She added too much effort to prepare this soup, even added too much precious abortifacient (a poison that causes abortion) in a balanced amount with the spices.

And… Yes… Kim Tae Hee is the Court Lady of Royal Kitchen who is working to make the Andong Kim clan's plan successful.

Concubine Seo has become so picky nowadays, most of the time she is returning the foods that are served to her and demanding different kinds of weird foods with weird descriptions. Even most of the time saying not to add any spices which is making it so difficult for her as the abortifacient(poison) had a strong odor.

"Concubine Seo wants seaweed soup without any spices, with bit salt & sesame oil only. And also a fried salted sea fish with a little bit of spice only. She has told you to be cautious while using anything spicy on her foods. Spices are making her throw up."

"Okay. Go prepare the kitchen," Court Lady Kim clenches her jaw. As the court lady leaves, she drops the bowl on the floor. 

At the loud sound of breaking the ceramic soup bowl, the maid comes immediately to check.

"Anything wrong, Court Lady Kim?"

"No, I just dropped the bowl accidentally. Clean these quickly."


While Concubine Seo was taking the seaweed soup, Royal Physician Han arrived for a weekly checkup of Yun Hee’s health. 

Physician Han checks the pulse on her wrist and does a few more checkups on her. He is a bit confused now, he is getting some changes in her health especially in pulse. These signs are not good for pregnancy.

"Do you have any complaints, Your Highness?"

"Nowadays I feel so dizzy all day long. This is increasing day by day. Last night I couldn't even raise my head. Is it bad if sometimes I feel a bit of pain in my lower abdomen? I think I feel it sometimes. But I am not sure if this is because of my overthinking? Should I do anything to get relief from this?"

"You should take a rest properly. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Drink adequate water. Relax, Your Highness. There is nothing to fear, we are here only to serve you always."

After talking with Concubine Seo, he takes his leave. Court Lady Kim was also present in the room, the maid with her was removing the tray. As Court Lady Kim comes out, she notices Physician Han standing in the corridor.

"Court Lady Kim, do you have any knowledge of what to serve a pregnant person or not?" Physician Han says in a yelling voice. He is a famous royal physician and scholar in Goryeo.  His rank is higher than this court lady.

The question makes Court Lady Kim afraid, but she tries to act normal.

"Yes… Why?"

"You should not serve her shellfish."

"Her Highness wants sea fish to serve her in almost every meal," Court Lady Kim answers with confidence.

"Sea fish not shellfish. I thought the royal court ladies of the royal kitchen study about food a lot before attending as an active chef in the kitchen. Shellfish is dangerous during pregnancy. I wonder how you don't know it."

"Not for her. Her Highness is from the coastal area."

"No shellfish is allowed for her. And those pineapple pies too. Even village ladies know pineapples can cause miscarriage. I will send you the list of what to let her eat or not. Be careful next time," he leaves, giving a burning look to Court Lady Kim.

Court Lady Kim feels anger spreading throughout her whole body. Physician Han has just insulted her kitchen knowledge. It's not like she doesn't know, she did it intentionally. She clenches her fist and says to herself, "These won't last long."




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