Initial Step of The Ritual

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"Her Highnesses just have to keep their hand on the mouth of the jar, and there's a little hole in the mouth of this jar. This golden snake can detect the smell of the Dragon’s Treasure and the representative. So, to whom the snake won't react to something like intruders, she will be the most eligible candidate. And before starting it, I want to say it's completely normal if we can't find anyone. It's only part of the ritual. I will request the honorable concubines to start their process," The Chief Monk bows.

"Does that make any sense? What if it bites? Isn't there anyway except this snake-related? I am not feeling secure about it. Who will take responsibility for our life?" Concubine Park says in a slightly higher voice.

"Your Highness, it doesn't harm anyone unless anyone tries to invade the Dragon Goddess's Treasure. These types of snakes are guardians of the Dragon Temple. I would not dare to say something that can risk your life," Monk Kang tries to explain.

"I am taking responsibility for the concubines' lives, Seung Deok. Do my concubines still need any other assurance?" Emperor Sinjong orders in a firm voice.

But all of them remain silent and don't move a bit which makes the Emperor annoyed," So none of you want to do it willingly? Why are you still not moving? Do I have to select? Consort Kim, do it."

Slowly the concubines start to climb up the stairs and stand on one side of the temple stage.

"Kim Myeon Hye," the Emperor utters the name.

"What if I refuse to do it? I don't feel good at least with the snake," Consort Kim says in a soft voice.

"Are you making me feel lowered on my concubines in such a ritual? It's my order now. Obey my order, if you don't want to break our marriage. Every one of my married concubines will do it, no matter what," He says with an angry voice.

Despite her unwillingness, Consort Kim steps towards the little table. She looks at the coiled snake inside the jar. She just has to touch the mouth of the jar lightly. Is the snake sleeping?

With fear, she keeps her right hand on the jar. When she touches the mouth of the jar, in the blink of an eye the snake releases itself from a coiled position and hits the jar angrily with its tail and body, which causes the formation of several cracks on the wall of the jar. She screams in fear.

The Emperor signals towards the maid to help the frightened Consort Kim to climb down the stairs.

"Seung Deok...Your turn..."

"I can't pass this part I know. I am surrendering before doing it. Do I still have to do it?" Concubine Park says in a trembling voice looking at the jar.

"Do you want to make me repeat myself? My order," Emperor Sinjong says in a cold voice.

Concubine Park looks at the moving snake in the jar. What if it bites? She has to do so lightly. She decides to just touch the railing of the mouth of the jar. As she touches the jar, the snake spirals more violently making the jar into several pieces and falling on the floor. The snake has already turned his head into a terrifying hood.

Concubine Park steps back in fear of dying, screams like mad as she feels the snake's ice-cold skin on her hand for a fraction of a second. Tears started to overflow from her eyes. She knew she wouldn’t pass, but didn't know the snake would react so violently.

Now only Concubine Seo is left.

"Your Highness," The Chief Monk bows towards Concubine Seo showing her the way to the snake.

"What does she need to do? To touch it?" Everyone standing on the premises starts to whisper with each other.

"Her Highness just has to touch the floor in front of the snake. It can smell you from such a distance. Don't be afraid it won't harm you, Your Highness," the Chief Monk explains, turning the situation from noisy to silent like a graveyard.

Concubine Seo nods in response. The snake is not looking calm as before. It's looking so furious with the hood now. As she steps slowly, the snake bit towards the direction from where she is coming. It can understand the sound of footsteps coming near it.

Concubine Seo kneels from a bit of distance and starts to spread her hand in front to touch the floor. The snake isn't reacting yet, seeming like it's taking preparation for the next step so silently.

Concubine Seo closes her eyes. She is not afraid, she is ready even if it bites. She feels her hand has touched the floor.

Emperor Sinjong feels his heart is skipping a beat. No, the snake inside the jar and the snake outside the jar are completely different things. He should stop it right now. He should give Concubine Seo another chance with the snake inside the jar, at least not like this dangerous challenge.

Making him speechless, he notices the snake's hood touching Concubine Seo's hand. The Emperor with fearful eyes notices she is still not moving. Is she okay? Has the snake hurt her? He wants to shout, but he feels he has lost his voice after noticing Concubine Seo moves a bit closer to the big snake.

Concubine Seo opens her eyes to the persistent ice-cold touch. The snake's head is now resting on her hand like it's sleeping. It's not looking so ferocious now, the hood is gone. 

She gets closer and tries to touch its half-coiled body carefully. She is not afraid anymore. She can't tell the difference from a sleeping kitten.

Making other's breath stop, Concubine Seo stands up with the snake in her hand and places the sleeping snake on the table. 

"Show your respect to the Representative of the Dragon Goddess... Concubine Seo...After thousands of years, Goryeo has found someone like her... She can now save us," The Chief Monk announces with a booming voice as the drum starts to beat loudly for everyone’s attention.

But it was not needed. Everyone had already emerged from such unbelievable things. Everyone bows and says,

"Save us, Your Highness."


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