"Bet!" Haseul yells with a wide smile.

Vivi and Jungeun look at her with furrowed eyebrows. Chaewon just shakes her head at them.

"Let's do it!"



"Okay Sooyoungie!"

Jiwoo, Hyejoo, Heejin and Yerim yelled in unison. They were all looking at the floor numbers as their floor was coming up.

"Ready?" Sooyoung asks them and they nod.

"No Sooyoung don't please!" Jungeun begs as she was holding onto the railing afraid that the elevator will get stuck.

Vivi sighs "Sooyoung I swear to fucking god if you break this elevator!" She yells at the senior and also holds onto the railing.

Ignoring the two, Sooyoung counts down as the girls get prepared to jump. Chaewon takes out her phone to record them and the two holding onto dear life.

"Ready....Go!" Sooyoung yells out to them.

The girls jump into the air and stay there for a few seconds as the elevator comes to a stop. Jungeun and Vivi screamed when they felt the elevator stop and they thought it broke down.

"Mother fuckers! Get me out of here!" Jungeun screams as she repeatedly presses the 'open doors' button.

The girls were laughing really hard as it felt cool to fly for a few seconds before gravity pulls them back. The elevator doors open up and Jungeun and Vivi bolt out of there.

"You guys are scaredy cats!" Sooyoung yells at from down the hall because the two ran out from the elevator to the rooms.

They laughed and arrived to Yeojin's room. Entering her room, they were met with a woke up Yeojin smiling at them.

"Hey unnies! Why does Vivi and Jungeun unnie look traumatized?" Yeojin asks the girls with a curious look.

Jiwoo snorts "We jumped before the elevator stopped and it shook but they're just a bunch of scaredy cats!" She sticks her tongue out at them as they do it as well.

Yeojin laughs "Aw, I wanted to do that too" She whines and Yerim smiles before going to sit beside her.

"Don't worry Jinie, you'll be able to walk in no time!" Yerim tells her and presses a small kiss on her forehead.

The youngest smiles brightly and sees Sooyoung scoot up "I got you apple slices and a juice box!" She told her as she pulled out the bag of apple slices and the juice box from the McDonald's bag.

Yeojin lights up and makes grabby hands towards them "Oooh give me please!" She says and grabs the items from Sooyoung.

Mr. and Mrs. Im had to go into work early so they weren't here. They had told Hunjoon to keep and eye on Yeojin while they're away.

As they talked to Yeojin, Hyejoo got an idea "Oh hold on" She says and walks out the room.

The girls were confused at her sudden departure. A few seconds later, Hyejoo reenters with a wheelchair and pushes it towards her.

She smiles and gestures to the wheelchair "I asked the nurse if we can move you around and she said yes but you have to sit in this" The freshman tells the youngest.

Yeojin stares at her for a second before smiling again "Thanks Joo unnie!" She says.

Hyejoo rolls her eyes "Yea yea now come on and let's go see the others. I'm hungry" She says and the youngest nods.

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