Chapter 16

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The clouds were gray and covered the sun which gave a gloomy vibe. There were students walking in the hallways with an umbrella in their bag in case it rains.

Chaewon walked to her class and she noticed how dark it looked outside. She checked the weather on her phone and frowned seeing there was a storm coming.

She's not the only one frowning from seeing the weather. If it were to rain when they leave school, then practice had to be canceled.

The green haired sat down in her seat and waited for Hyunjin to arrive.

"Yo Wonie how's it going?"

The taller sophomore greeted her friend and sat down next to her. The bruise on her cheek was visible but it wasn't swollen.

Chaewon gives her a smile and stares at the purple spot on her cheek.

Hyunjin notices her friend staring and turns to her "What?"

She doesn't say anything but pokes her cheek. The taller flinches away from her finger and glares at her.

"Ow! What the fuck dude?" Chaewon just giggles and turns away as the teacher comes into the room.

Hyunjin furrows her eyebrows at her and also faces forward. The bell rings and the teacher starts going over today's topic.


Thunder roars as a light flashes in the sky. Some students jump at the noise during lunch.

The girls are currently sitting down at their regular table eating lunch.

"I checked the weather before I got here and its supposed to rain all day"

Vivi told them and they groan knowing that practice is going to be canceled.

"Has your dad texted you about practice yet, Hyun?" Haseul questions the sophomore as she sips her drink.

Hyunjin shakes her head and takes a bite of her bread. Jiwoo frowns at the thought of practice being canceled, she wanted to work more on her skills before they scrimmage.

Sooyoung notices her mood go down from across the table. She smiles "Hey Wooming, don't worry you'll still be able to practice tomorrow before we scrimmage"

Jiwoo gives her a shy smile "Thanks Sooyoungie, I appreciate that" She looks down at her lap and Jungeun gives her a little nudge.

She looks up at her and is met with a teasing smile. Jiwoo just rolls her eyes and focused on her food.

Sooyoung stares at the younger as she eats. They continued to eat lunch as they talked about anything.

Hyunjin saw her phone light up with a message. She opened the app and saw her dad texted them that practice was still on.

He then sent her a text with an address saying to meet there for practice.

She clicked on the link to see where it was and a familiar building popped up. It was an indoor baseball field with everything they need to practice inside.

"Hey guys, my dad just texted and said to meet up at an indoor baseball field. I've been there before and its really cool"

They lit up hearing that practice was still on. They've been working hard to learn how to play and want to win the upcoming game. So of course they're excited to hear that they can still practice.

"Wait really?"

"Indoor baseball field? I've never heard of that"

Hyunjin explained to them what is was and everything it had.

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