Chapter 15

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Hyunjin was dreading for practice today. She didn't want her dad to get mad at her for getting into a fight.

But it wasn't a fight and it wasn't even her fault so he shouldn't get mad at her right?

The bell had just rang signaling the end of school. The seniors were already waiting for the girls at their cars.

Vivi leans against Sooyoung's car and gestures for Haseul to do the same. She only called for her just so she can lean a on Haseul.

The gesture made her blush and looked up to her fellow seniors. They were smirking at the sight of their friend blushing and teased her.

Haseul glares at them ready to jump them but a voice stops her.

"Bro you cheated fair and square! There was no way you can beat me in time!"

"What are you talking about? I beat you before you even crossed the finish line!"

"Exactly! Which means you cheated!"

"Can you guys shut up?! Please!"

Hyunjin yelled at Hyejoo and Yeojin to stop arguing over a game. They played mario kart in class before leaving and Hyejoo beat Yeojin.

They shut up immediately and clinged to Yerim. She just laughed at them as they arrived where the seniors were.

"Hey guys ready to go?"

"Yea" "No"

They turned and looked at Hyunjin who said no. She just stared at them and sighs.

"Fine let's go" She didn't want to go and get scolded by her father.

"You'll be fine Aeongie, your dad will know it wasn't your fault" Chaewon reassured her friend and patted her back.

"Yea you're right I'm worried about nothing" Hyunjin agreed and they start piling into the vehicles.

Heejin sits beside Hyunjin and loops her arm with hers. The taller looks at her and smiles, she smiles back with red cheeks. They turn to look at Haseul who starts talking and pulls out of the school.


Let's just say Hunjoon and the coaches weren't too happy hearing what happened.

They were more pissed off at the fact that Jinhyuk didn't like it when someone stood up against him. Especially women.

Hunjoon made sure Hyunjin understand that he wasn't mad at her or the girls. After explaining the story and understanding each other, they started practicing.

Jung wanted them to get more comfortable hitting so he set them up at home plate. They weared their batting helmet, gloves, elbow guard and shin guard to bat.

The gloves were so they don't lose grip on the bat when swinging. And the helmet and guards were to protect their head, elbow and shin if the pitch hits them.

The girls also had a choice to have a chin guard attached to the flap of their helmet to protect their face when they went to the store.

Some of them didn't want one but Sooyoung, Jinsoul, Hyunjin, and Hyejoo decided to get 'em. The helmets they use are like the MLB ones. (u can search it up)

Son had moved his area to the side of the field where the bullpen was to keep teaching Jiwoo and Heejin.

The bullpen is where pitchers go to warm up during a game and get tips. They let Jung help the girls bat and got out of their way.

Take Your Pitch (LOONA AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz