Chapter nine

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Amoras pov

NO NO stop! Let me go. The hallway was coming to an end, my legs where burning with pain. I look down at the blood dripping out of my left bony hand splattering against the hard concrete ground.

I gasp and quickly open my eyes staring at the ceiling. My body covered in sweat and shaking. Trying to control my breathing I hear a raspy voice however I could not make out what the were saying. Then a hand grabbed my wrist without even thinking I punch in the direction of the hand and spring out of bed.

No please I am begging you stop.

Sliding down the nearest wall I scream these words when suddenly water was being poured on my face causing me to open my eyes and readjust to reality. There Harry was crouched down with a half empty bottle in his hand smoking a cigarette in the other. He just stared at me with a worried look in his eyes. What the fuck had just happened, my body had now turned cold, and my teeth chattered together. I feel his arm slip under my legs and the other around the bottom of my back. He lifts me and carries me over to the sofa where he gently lays me down. I watch as he walks over to the armchair 6 feet away. There he sat legs spread with the cigarette hanging from his mouth. I felt so embarrassed he had now seen me at my most vulnerable after only a couple nights ago he saw me drugged.

I am not gonna ask because its not my right to know. You can tell me whenever you want and how much you want to but Amora are you being hurt.

I stare blankly at him I wasnt being hurt. There was not one physical bruise or pain inflicted by another on my skin.

Our tour starts tomorrow we are going to Philadelphia please come with me.

WHAT Harry wanted me to come with him no not after everything this morning he was probably asking to be nice. I notice he was off the seat and crouching in front of me. He lightly kisses my forehead.

Listen I have to go to do something, order anything you want from room service. I will leave money here for you to get a taxi I dont expect you to decide right now but we are leaving at 5am tomorrow. If you phone me I will come and pick you up whenever you want.

I look him straight in the eyes as he grins back at me.

And dont worry if you dont phone I will not annoy you again until I am back in the city of New York.

He lightly touches my cheek.

Youre the top apartment right?

Eh yes why?

These were the first words I had spoken to him, so my throat felt extremely dry.

No reason sleepy.

He begins to walk to the door still wearing yesterdays clothes picking his phone and sunshades off the table. Grabbing a wade of cash, he lays it on the table and begins to place the glasses on his face.


I say wanting to hear him talk once more.

Dont say goodbye its not a good thing.

Before I could ask anymore questions he slips out the door leaving me alone in the hotel room. I get off the sofa and walk over to the mini fridge. My head was pounding, and I needed something to make me feel better after the shit show I just preformed. I glance at the tiny bottles of alcohol and pick up a vodka and take it over to the bed in search of my phone. It was sitting on the bedside locker couple of missed calls from my father and Rocco. I still needed time to cool off, so I really wasnt in the mood to talk to either. I couldnt help but wonder where Lexi was and what she was doing. Sitting at the edge of the bed I quickly down the mini bottle and phone Lexi. Straight to voice mail fucking great. After what harry said last night she must be in one of their rooms and I knew all there room where in the same hall. I needed to find her and get out of here, but I was dying for the bathroom I walk in to the cold white tiled bathroom and I catch a glace at my reflection. I looked like fucking shit, my makeup had run under my eyes and was smudged across my face. I was still wearing the outfit from last night with the jeans now stuck to me with sweat. I needed a shower right now no way was I going out like this. Quickly I take off the sweaty clothes of my body and flick the shower on. Hopping on the hot water hits my back trickly down to my legs. I had no time to waste I quickly stick my face under and wash with my hands away the debris of makeup that was left stuck to my face. My hair felt so greasy, so I grab the shampoo bottle and squirt some onto my palm and massage it into my scalp.

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