Chapter five

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We are speeding down the streets of New York, swerving in and out of cars. I finally felt relaxed. My hands still tightly gripping around his waist. We drive up near Times Square when we pulled over.

How is Times Square perfect?

I say slightly puzzled I could come here with Lexi any time.

The lights of course!

He says sarcastically walking down the street with his hands in the air. He could pull off all black so well. He had a pair of sunglasses on top of his head. Somehow he managed to walk to gracefully for a bad boy.

Come on now sleepy we dont want to be late.

Harry says with a smirk on his face. I follow him just a few steps behind however I had to walk extremely fast to keep up with his long legs strutting in front of me. We walk for a little while we stop at a door. A door you wouldnt notice casually walking around New York. There were no lights or sign compared to the others. Harry walks up and gives it a couple of hard knocks with his knuckles. The door swung open were a tall skinny man stood and they exchanged a few words.

You coming love?

I walk in behind him having no idea where I was walking to. The hallway was very skinny it leads to a larger room that was obviously filled with people and music as we could hear them already. We walk in the first thing I notice is how much smoke has filled the room. I continue to follow Harry through this crowded smoke-filled room he had still not given me any indication on where we were headed.

We weave in and out of couples making out. We head up a flight of stairs. Harry looked backed and grinned. When we reached the top of the stairs we entered a door to a balcony overlooking times square. It was breath-taking from up here. Everyone below looked like little blobs. I look over at harry who was hanging off the railing gazing over. I noticed there was a woman sitting at a table with a tattoo kit and a man getting his bicep inked.

Want to get one?

She shouts over at me. I was startled I didnt notice how long I was staring.

I can do yours after I do Harrys.

Ahhhhhhhh thats why we were here so Harry could get a tattoo.

Yes thats perfect Julie.

I hear a strong British accent say. He was know standing behind me and whispers into my ear.

Best place to get inked trust me.

I nodded at him. How could I trust him I only just knew him. We walk over to Julie to see her wrap up the mans bicep. Her nimble fingers covered in tattoos. Once he stands up I feel extremely small. I was around 53 and he was towering over me at about 64. I smile up at him and he pats Harry on the back.

Nice to see you again mate.

They exchange a few words as Harry sits on the metal stool. I never noticed how many different tattoos he had on his arm. I notice he has a cross on his hand and rosary beads across him wrist. Every tattoo deadly sitting on his skin leaving a permanent mark. On my left arm I have four designs. On my index finger I have a tiny Lion that I got the day of my 18th birthday. My father made us all get a lion on our left hand as a sign of unity. I have Gentle wrote above my elbow after my mother. A F on my wrist and a crescent moon on the middle of my forearm and Lexi has the sun on her forearm. My father did not mind tattoos at such a young age however he wanted them all to have a meaning. I never told him about the F on my wrist are anyone. I had other tattoos on my body however they were all hidden on purpose.

Bryant had got a tattoo gun a couple of months ago so he would just add some on to my skin when I felt like it. People complain about the pain however I find it relaxing.

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