Chapter seven

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I watch as the vodka trickles into the small glass on my bedside table. The sun was gleaming through the room forcing me to squint. It was around 1 oclock I still felt exhausted. Every part of me ached, my head pounding. I was sitting feet on the floor hunched over. Opening the cupboard, I grabbed too tiny pink pills. This was the only way I was getting through today. I wash them both down with a strong drink of vodka.

Slowly I begin to stand up stretching my legs I walk into the bathroom, running the cool water over my palms and onto my face. Grabbing my toothbrush, I look into the mirror as I brush my teeth. I looked like a mess. My eyes were all blood shot and surrounded by what was left of my mascara, my lips cracked and dehydrated. My hair that I had put in a bun had come loose and hung wavy down my back. I was still wearing the black halter neck I had saw Harry in however I had pulled off my jeans and slipped on basketball shorts.

I would get a shower later I needed coffee first. Slipping of the top I grab a grey zip up and pull it round me. I stand over at the dressing table and grab a makeup wipe and quickly wipe underneath my eyes leaving a black remain on the wipe. Walking out to the living room to see who was home I see someone sitting on the sofa. All I could see was the back of his curly blonde hair. Ethan. I quickly start to walk back to my bedroom.

Amora come.

My father had just come through the front door. I turn around staring at them both. I needed out of here, lucky the pills started to kick in because I began to feel numb. I slowly walk over to the sofa curling up in a ball far away from Ethan. My father was pacing the floor and I could see Ethan smirking at me.

You could have at least got into appropriate wear Amora.

I look down and my sweats. I didnt fucking know we were having my soon to be husband, drugger in the house dearest father. I hold my breath and count to ten I couldnt say that. Looking over at Ethan I notice he is in shirt and black trousers like he needed to empress someone. No matter what he wore it wouldnt hide what a cunt he was.

Why are you still here? Not appropriate wear get changed.

I glare at him. Fuck he had a stick up his ass well I could be a bigger bitch I get up and walk back to my bedroom I sit down at my dressing table looking at the mirror. I quickly grab a makeup wipe and wipe my whole face. I knew exactly what I needed to do. Grabbing my eyebrow soap and pomade I quickly do my brow, conceal all my scars, I take my contour and blush and apply. I wasnt putting foundation I didnt have time I was to pissed. I see an old eye liner and quickly try and do some, but my hand was all shaky from the pills and anger. I quickly put some mascara on. Red. I apply dark red to my lips I was proving a point, if he wanted me a mafia bride I was going to be a fucking mafia bride.

Opening my closet, I knew what I was looking for. Tearing off my sweats I slip this on. A dark red long two slit dress. With an exceptionally low V line. Fuck shoes. Sieving through my shoes I grab a pair of plain black heels and put them on. I was proud how fast I did this, but these heels were killing me. I walk into the bathroom looking at myself. Brushing through my hair I felt very shaky I bend down to the cabinet and find tequila and take a quick gulp. Your fine smile everything is okay. I walk out into the living room; they were deep in conversation and didnt notice me come in till I was standing dead in front on them. My father looked up at me I could tell he was shocked I never wore anything like this.

Is this appropriate?

I say in a cunning tone. I sit down right next to Ethan this tequila shot was definitely working. They were both still staring at me. '

So, what are we waiting for I am dressed?

Suddenly Rocco walks through the kitchen door. He looks me straight in the eye and smirks. We werent remarkably close given the 14year age gap.

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