Chapter three

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Within 10 minutes Luca pulled up in his new black Ferrari convertible he got for his 21st a couple of weeks ago. I hoped in still feeling extremely dizzy.

Well, if it isnt my missing baby sister.

Luca said a little too loudly.

Wow I am right beside you!

I said pointing at my ear. Next, I knew Luca took into a fit of laughter,

Dad is going to kill you.

I rolled my eyes.

You mean to tell me you had to stay in a hotel because you got wasted?

Luca said still laughing. I knew if I told him what really happened Ethan would be dead, and I really didnt want that to happen. As much as I hated Ethan getting him hurt or killed would cause war between his and my fathers family.

Yeah, something like that

I reply in hope he doesnt question me any further.

For the rest of the car ride I stared out the window looking at all the people walking the streets of New York. I have lived here about 2 years, yet I have never actually done any New Yorker Things. I look down at my phone and see another message from Lexi,

I told your dad that you will be home by one so please dont be any later xx

I knew I had to reply back,

All is okay I will see you tomorrow and explain everything Luca picked me up and we are nearly at the apartment xx

I walked into the elevator with Luca trying to comb through my now frizzy blonde hair, so I looked respectable to father. I had to ignore my still dizzy head. Once we got to the door of the apartment I gulped turned around to Luca and whispered,

You picked me up for Lexis apartment okay?

He nodded and smiled. I took out my key and turned the lock praying he wasnt home.

Look what the cat dragged in.

Oh no he had his pissed voice on.

I can explain I swear.


I was taken a back. I hated when he raised his voice.

God forbid if only my Gentle were here to see this.

Gentle was what he called my mother she had passed when I was 5. She was called Damara which translated from Latin to Gentle. I hated when he brought her up like this, he has done it since I was a child. Suddenly a burst of confidence came bursting through me,

You havent even given me a chance to explain myself.

I snapped back. He remained on the sofa while I was still stood near the door. Luca had already sat down.

He gave me the deathly stare he does when he is incredibly angry.

You had me worried sick. I let you out to do one job and I dont even know what happened.

God if your worried about your stupid band they were perfect. I stayed at Lexis and my phone died. Now if you dont mind, I am going to shower.

I couldnt believe I had just spoke to him like that. I could tell that just made him more annoyed.

I do mind, and could you drop the attitude my Amora?

I was still dizzy and just wanted to get changed so I replied back hoping this conversation would end.

Okay I am sorry for not phoning you and telling you I was sleeping at Lexis it wont happen again.

I know walk away to my room I hear his deep Italian voice saying,

Oh, dont you worry it wont happen again.

Fuck sake I blew it. This was the first time since the accident he has let me out. I head to my room anyways not paying attention to what he had to say. I flop down on my bed kicking of my converse. I was still in Harrys top. It was extremely long, so I had tucked it into my jeans.

The water felt good against my skin washing last night away. Fluorescent adolescent playing while I, sung along when my phone vibrated. I reach out of the shower to grab my phone. A notification from Harry :)

H- Well Love I added my number in your phone while you slept hope you dont mind.

I couldnt believe what I was seeing why on earth would he add his number to my phone?

Me- How did you even get into my phone?

H-1234 isnt much of a password now is it.

How did he manage to make me smile by just saying something as simple. Another text before I could answer.

H- You ran out before I could ask your name.

Fuck I had already forgot running out of Harrys hotel room.

Me- Amara.

H- Wow I beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

He replied instantly. I couldnt help but smile.

H- I am sorry for getting ahead of myself, but do you want to see me again tonight?

Deep down I knew I shouldnt. Deep down I knew I was just causing more trouble but a voice in my head was screaming yes, I couldnt ignore it.

Me- Is this because you want your top back?

I respond. I get out of the shower wrap a towel round me and lay in my bed. My wet hair fanning across the pillow.

H- Keep the t-shirt so you never forget the night we met.

I blush. I didnt talk to many boys I didnt have the confidence, but he had already called me beautiful. Butterflies fill my stomach.

Me- What are you thinking for tonight?

H- Have you seen much of New York?

Me- None actually.

H- Well then I need to sort that out I have the perfect place in mind see you around 12. Send me your address so I know where to look.

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