Break from Reality

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I got up early with a smile on my face. I made regular coffee for Hunter and decaf for me. I knocked on his door before entering.

He was just putting on a shirt when I walked in.

"Good morning Hunt." I said.

He gave me a glare as he grabbed the cup out of my hand. I thought by now he would've been used to me calling him Hunt.

"What are we doing today assistant?" I asked. Jannette was on sick leave till next week so Hunter was my new temporary assistant.

"I told you already to stop calling-"

"Ow!" I shouted. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

Hunter held me. "What's wrong?"

"I think the baby just kicked." I said as I looked down on my stomach.

He started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I shouted.

He raised his hands in surrender. "Nothing, nothing."

I narrowed my eyes at him but decided to change the subject. "Hunter?"

"Yes?" he said as he walked to the bed.

"Since we're a couple now," I hesitated. "can we sleep in the same room together?"

He looked back at me and thought for a second. He nodded. "Sure but you're going to have to clean out the nightstand on your side. I haven't been used it in ages."

I smiled. "Sure!"

I walked over to it and opened to draws to see what I'm dealing with.

"Wait!" he shouted as he ran over to me but it was already too late. I already saw it.

It was his concert ticket from three years ago. He kept it all this time.

Did you keep yours?

Of course not. I threw it away the same day.


I turned back to him. "I thought you threw it away."

He looked away.

He looked so embarrassed that it was cute. I wasn't mad that he didn't throw it away, I was in fact happy. That meant that I at lease still mattered to some extent for all those years.

"Let's go to one of their concerts tonight." I said.

His eyes widened. "What?"

"The band still plays there every single Saturday. I looked them up."

He shook his head. "No way. We can't go. We're highly known CEOs now. We not the same kids from 3 years ago."

"So we can use our security detail."

"You're 6 months pregnant Sophia. You aren't suppose to be partying."

"I'm pregnant, not dying. Plus I'm not on bed rest so I can go."

He looked at me defeated. He ran out of excuses so it looks like we're going to a concert tonight.


I walked in front of him. "Zip me up please."

I wore a simple black dress. Apart from being pregnant, I had to still dress modest. As Hunter said before, we were highly known CEO's so we always had to look our best. Even going to a concert.

As he zipped up my dress he started talking. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

I turned around and brought my forehead closer to his. "You'll be fine. Your wife is right by your side."

I knew Hunter. He didn't like big crowds. Three years ago he would always try to avoid going anywhere with a lot of people. Going to a concert was on our bucket list. I doubt he ever went to one after we stopped working together.

I took his hand and dragged him. "Come let's go."

We reached and in there was already full. After all these years people still come to listen to this band.

We had our security but they were to only engage if things got too out of hand.

We walked to the bar. I had to get Hunter to loosen up.

"Two shots!" I shouted to the bartender. The music was really loud so we had to shout.

The bartender brought the shots and Hunter drank them down one time. He indicated for the bartender to bring more. The goal was for him to loosen up not get drunk.

A group of people ran up to us and started yelling. Our security detail jumped in and got them to distance themselves for us.

Hunter looked more annoyed as ever so I took Hunter's hand and dragged him.

"Where are we going now?"

"I paid for the VIP spot, they'll be less people over there."

I was trying to make Hunter have fun not torture him by suffocating in a crowd of drunk people.

I started to dance and allowed Hunter to dance with me. He wasn't fully drunk but he definitely wasn't sober either.

Hunter's body was right behind mine and our bodies flowed in sync to the rhythmic patterns of the song. I wish this will never come to an end. It felt almost surreal. I think it was safe to say he was enjoying himself.

I got tired and needed to sit. We sat and watched the crowd below us dance away.

I turned to Hunter. "What's the real reason you kept the ticket all those years?"

He took a sip of his drink. "I guess I just couldn't let go of you."

I looked at him. He was still facing the crowd. I'm glad I asked because sober Hunter would've never admitted that.

He turned to me. "You used your share of the money from three years ago to give to those orphans didn't you."

"How did you-"

"Even though your father's business wasn't as powerful as it is now, he was still a millionaire back then. You could've asked him for money but you wanted to use money that you earned. It wasn't that hard to figure out."

I nodded. I had good intentions but the way I executed them was poor and could've been better.

The band announced they'd be playing their last song which was a slow song. Hunter got up and extended his hand to me.

"Mrs. Lodge, would you have this last dance with me?"

I put my hand in his then got up. "Of course Mr. Lodge."

He placed his arm around my waist and I placed mine on his shoulders. The baby bump separated us a little but nevertheless we still got to dance.

He leaned into my ear which sent shivers down my spine. "This dance is to make up for our wedding dance."

I laughed. "Well you better make this a good one."

We dance until the music ended. I felt sad. It was time to go home. There wouldn't be anymore dances or hearing the band play live. This would probably be the first and last time we come here. Apart from our jobs and the baby, we didn't belong here. Our lifestyle wasn't going to concerts and dancing, it was meetings and paperwork.

Today we had a break from reality but now it was time to go back.

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