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I woke up earlier than usual today because it was my first day back to work since I got married. When I go back, nothing will be the same again. People would be calling me 'Mrs. Lodge' instead or 'Ms. Bass' and the business would now be called 'Lodge and Bass Enterprises'.  

When I went down into the kitchen, Hunter was already fully dressed in a suit. He was sipping coffee while browsing through his phone. I walked past him and didn't say a word. If he wanted silent treatment then I'll give him silent treatment.

I didn't have time to make anything so I just picked up my coffee and keys then left.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, all eyes were on me. When I reached by my office, the name on my door had changed from 'Ms. Bass' to 'Mrs. Lodge'. I shook my head and walked in.

"Good morning boss!" Jannette greeted me. "Did you enjoy your honeymoon?"

I laughed dryly. "Yes, it was great." except for the times I was with Hunter.

"Glad to hear it, Mrs. Lodge. Your father is outside, shall I let him in?"

I nodded. "Let him in Jannette."

She left and dad soon strolled in.

"Good morning pumpkin, how is the married life treating you?" he asked.

"It's great dad." I didn't want him to know that Hunter and I were fighting the whole time.

"Really? You both worked out your issues?"

"Uh-huh. How is the retired life treating you?"

He chuckled. "It's good actually. John and I are heading to The Bahamas this weekend."

"That's great dad."

"If you need me to stay and help out I can."

I shook my head. "It's fine dad. Hunter and I already worked out a plan already."

He stared at me with a smile.

"What is it?"

"I'm so proud of you pumpkin."

I froze. This was the first I've heard him say that in a long time.

"You've gotten so mature. You're a married woman and the CEO of our company. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter."

I was speechless. He hugged me and I hugged him back. "Thank you, dad."

"Alright, alright I have to go. I'm supposed to meet John at the country club in 10 minutes," he said then pulled away from our hug.

"Bye, dad."


As he was about to leave, Hunter walked in.

"Hello my favorite son-in-law!" he said proudly as he hugged Hunter then left.

"I'm your only son-in-law." I heard Hunter mumble as he walked up to me looking confused. "What was that about?"

I ignored him.

He pulled my hand. "Answer me," he said sternly.

I sighed before pulling away my hand. "I told him we worked things out."

"Why would you do that?"

I didn't have to answer him. "Is there something you wanted Mr. Lodge?"

He rolled his eyes then dropped a huge stack of papers on my desk. "Sign these off for me and bring them home tonight."

My eyes widened at the sight before me. "I can't finish all these by tonight!" I shouted.

"Well you have to!" he shouted back.

"You're not the boss of me!"

He looked at me. "You really want to do this right now?"

I looked through the glass door and saw some of my employees watching. My staff didn't gossip like Hunter's but they were nosey.

"Fine, I'll finish and bring them home tonight."

He nodded with a satisfied smile. "That's what I thought," he said then walked out.

On top of all the paperwork I had before, Hunter just gave me more. He was a massive dick. I wouldn't be able to move from this spot until tonight.


I finally finished everything at 8. Most of the staff left by 5.

After walking into his office, I dropped the papers on his desk. He looked up at me to say something but I walked away. I worked hard all day and some sleep would be nice.

I opened the bedroom door and instantly screamed. A small dog was laying on my bed. I tried to slow down my breathing but it only went faster.

"Why are you screaming?" Hunter said as he walked to me.

"Get it out! Get it out!"

He looked in my room then looked back at me confused. "Who Buddy? He doesn't bite."

My breathing didn't slow down and the place kept getting hotter by the second. "I said get it out, Hunter!" I said as tears begin to fall out of my eyes.

He looked at me shocked for a while but then went for the dog. When he came out, I rushed into the bedroom and shut the door as quickly. I opened my bag and took two of my pills. Hunter must think I'm acting like a complete idiot for having a panic attack over a dog.

I sat down on the bed to catch my breath a little bit then changed out of my work clothes to something more comfortable. I tried to go to sleep but my mind kept running on Hunter. Maybe I shouldn't have acted the way I did to him. It's not his fault.

I checked his office but he wasn't in there so I knocked on his door.

"Hunter, can I come in?"

It took a while but he opened his door halfway. "Why?"

"I need to tell you something."

"Fine," he said then opened the door.

I walked in and looked around the room. I didn't see the dog, thankfully. His room was actually decent. Of course, it had black in it but not too much. I thought Hunter would've probably overdone his room with black but he didn't.


"Our room looks good Hunt."

He rolled his eyes. "Look, if you don't have anything to say I suggest you leave."

I just wanted to lighten the mood before telling him something depressing. I sat on his bed.

"Look I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier. I just don't have a good history with dogs. It's actually how my, um, mom died."

"It's fine, I already forgot about it. You don't have to explain."

"No, I want to. You're my husband, you should know these things."

He sat down on the sofa across from the bed and watched me.

"My mom never really liked animals. I kept pushing her to get me a dog and so she did. We were driving one day and all of a sudden the dog attacked me then started attacking my mom. She was trying to get it off of her when we crashed. She died, the dog died and I lived. End of story."

He stared at me but I couldn't tell if he felt pity for me or he just didn't care at all.

"You know what, it's getting late. I should go." I said then left. He didn't say anything, he just let me leave. I guess he really doesn't care.

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