"Ah, Dr. Hartley." the florist addressed as Peter walked into the store.

Surprised? Don't be.

Being in hiding, Peter obviously had to use an alias. The DiNozzo's (Tony and Ziva) had put a lot of time into his new persona, before presenting him with his new identity.

Peter used this identity when he joined university. He also got his doctorates and became a professor at the local college under the same name.

An impressive feat, considering that he had just turned 22 a few months prior.

"Mr. Lee, I've officially lost count of how many times I've told you to call me Patrick." Peter replied with a mock groan.

"So have I, in your case. So, what would you like today, kid?" the florist asked, despite knowing what the answer was going to be.

"Surprise me." came the expected reply.

This was their daily banter. Peter would let the florist decide the flower of the day for him, making the man happier. Easy win.

"Daisies?" Peter asked, amused.

"And white lilacs. Innocence and purity." the florist said with a flourish.

Peter laughed, amazed yet unsurprised that such objects of beauty would have very specific meanings attached to them.

"I'll take it." he replied, gently grabbing the bouquet with his hands. "How much is it?"

"Same as always, sir." Mr. Lee said, coming to a stop before him.

"Are you sure that all of this costs only one lari?" he asked suspiciously as he dug out the money from his pockets.

"For you, champ, I'd give them away for free." he said with a charming smile.

Peter couldn't help but return it as he paid him. "You are too good to me, Mr. Lee." he said as he hugged the man.

Mr. Lee let out a joyful laugh that reminded him of Uncle Ben

"As always, it's Stan to you, kid." he said as he returned the hug.

They separated, and Peter handed him a single flower from the bunch.

As Peter turned to walk out of the store, the florist made a final comment.

"Be sure to watch out. You have a secret admirer." he chirped.

Peter turned around in confusion, but saw Stan turn away, whistling to himself.

Shaking his head with mirth, he walked out of the store and made his way to the café.


It was a particularly rainy day, so she had decided to stay in. Armed with a movie on her laptop and Peter's old projector, Wanda had no reason to leave the toasty confines of Peter's home, which was practically her own at this point.

Wanda was getting herself some breakfast when she heard a knock on the door.

Not expecting any visitors, she silently approached the door, while trying to think of who could possibly be at the door.

It couldn't be Tony, he had come and gone hours before.

Natasha was on a mission for the week, so not her.

As she continued, she reached the door and looked through the keyhole.

Only to see an eyeball staring back at her.

Startled, she jumped away from the door, now running through her memory for any known criminals who were particularly goofy or creepy. Or both.

"Hey, it's Scott," then in a low whisper, he added, "the Ant-Man?"

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