Chapter XLV

Depuis le début

"Everything happens for a reason, Margie." James told me. "Imagine if that wouldn't have happened, you wouldn't have gone to Fortaleza and we wouldn't have talked. And somehow maybe this was what you and Antoine needed it. Remember that obstacles make you stronger."

"You talk like if we are going to get together."

"You can't lose faith." He said. "Remember if everything is good then you don't appreciate anything, but if something bad or though happens then you appreciate and enjoy even more those happy and good times."

"Yeah, that's true. But sometimes obstacles are bigger than our strengths, aren't they?" I said. "Like it's too much for us to handle it."

"Look, I know that what you did was wrong, I won't tell you it was right. But you know that and Antoine knows you know and he loves you, I'm sure of it and love can conquer all, right? I'm sure he will eventually forgive you."

"He already did." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked me.

"He already forgave me." I said a bit louder, slower and clearer.

"What?" James exclaimed, stopping the car immediately.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him, looking behind us to check there weren't cars behind us that could bump into us. "Are you mad? You just can't stop the car like that!"

"Why didn't you tell me? When did he tell you that? How did it happen?" James asked, ignoring what I just said.

"Not so many questions at the same time, please!" I exclaimed. "And he told me one day before coming here, on Thursday."

"What? And how did it happen?"

"Remember I couldn't take all my stuff with me the other day?" James nodded. "Well I went for the rest of my stuff before coming here because I just couldn't leave them there forever and I knew he would come here soon so I went for them..."

"Go to the chase, Margie."

"Right, sorry. I went for my stuff and when I was leaving he asked me if I was ready to go to Barcelona, he believed what it said in that article so I got really upset and I told him it was fake and I regretted what I did and I said that I hoped he could forgive me someday and he told me he had already forgave me."

"What happened next?"

"I, uh, I cried, and he hugged me and then he cried too and we hugged each other." I said, looking away from James again.

"And then?"

"And then I left."

"Margie!" James exclaimed almost screaming at me.


"You are a fool, you know that?"

"I couldn't take it, I had to leave."

"No, you had to stay, Margie, what the fuck... sorry, didn't mean to swear, but seriously what was going in your head? Can't you see it? Antoine wants you back."

"We got emotional, that's all."

"If you don't want someone back you won't hold them until they stop crying, would you?" James said.

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do! You promised you wouldn't push him away, you promised you wouldn't say no if he gave you another chance!"

"He hasn't given me another chance!"

"Oh, wake up, Margie!" James exclaimed. "He wants you back."

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