"Baby do you want to have a sleepover at mommy's house so tomorrow we can be together to go to my work?"  She nodded her head and smiled at me. I squeeze her cheeks and she giggles a little

"Ok baby lets wash these dishes and then we can pack your bag for the sleepover and for my work sound good?"

"Mommys house mommy's houseeeeeeee" she started clapping her hands and bouncing up and down again.

"Ok baby first mommy has to wash the dishes then we can pack your bags ok?"

She huffs a little but nods her head. I kiss her forehead and mover her off my lap and onto the table to i can wash these dishes. I wash them in like two seconds because i was rushing to finish so we can pack Lav's bags and i can feel her getting impatient. Once the dishes have been washed and put away put Lav on my hip and run to the bedroom making her laugh.

"Alright honey go find two bags and bring them to mommy so i can out your stuff in em"  she runs over to her closet and grabs out a backpack with hello kitty on it and a bigger bag that was all purple. Cute. I grab the backpack and start going around her room looking for things to put in it for work tomorrow. I grab some coloring books crayons markers other stuff to color with and i grab some stuffed animals and a pacifier clip. When that bag is done i grab the overnight bag and grab some clothes for tomorrow and pajamas.

I grab a pacifier and a bottle from the same box as the pacifier clip and get another pacifier clip. Just in case. I see another box on the floor and i open it to see a bunch of diapers and wipes and shit. Fuck she wears diapers why am I just finding this out now. I grab a bunch of diapers and wipes and everything i saw in the box. I go around her room and bathroom getting whatever i felt she needed and I remembered she said she did school online so i look for her laptop and put it in the backpack so she can do that at my work. I grab a light pink baby blankie from her bed and some more stuffies. I wonder if she has a phone i mean she seems grown like physically so she should. Lemme ask

"Hey baby do you have a phone?"

"Yeh me has phone mommy wook is puwple too"  she pulled her phone out from under the pillow. I should've guessed it was gonna be lavender. It's like she had forgotten she had a phone because as soon as she was holding it her eyes lit up and she started playing games on her phone. I laugh at this and take her phone out her hands to put my number in it. She gets upset when i take it from her but i tell her I'm just putting my number in her phone so she can call me she calms down. I save my contact as Wilhemina but Lav didn't let this slide. When she saw the name i saved she changed it to 'Mommy Mina💜' . Whatever bro kinda cute. I turn back around to finish packing and i feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I look at it and it's just a number. I don't got friends who's calling me. I look up to see Lav giggling. Oh shes calling me. Why she gotta get my hopes up like that damn.

"Silly girl why you calling mommy huh"  i jump on the bed and start ticking her . She's having a giggle-fit (i jus made that word up and i am copyrighting it cos it is amazing) and i start laughing with her. I get off her and save her number. I guess it was smart of her to call me cause now i have her number. Anyways I think i have everything she needs and if not i can just run back here. I went back out to the kitchen remembering i left a pacifier down there and while i was looking for it i find her house key. Ok great i have it now but where was it when we got locked out? Anyways i grab the key and pacifier and go back to the room to see Lav sucking on one of the pacifiers from the bag and playing on her phone. I grab the bags on on arm and pick her up with the other. I make sure all the windows were closed and i close her bedroom door and check all the rooms making sure everything's closed and locked. Cant have nobody hiding up in this bitch. Once i see everything's clear i lock the front door making sure to hold on to the key and walk to my house. The while time Lavs talking about how excited she is and i am too. This is the first time shes gonna sleep over my house. What if she gets scared in the middle of the night...eh it'll be fine. When we get inside my house i run straight to my bedroom and throw her bags on the floor and throw her on the bed and get on top of her and start ticking her again. This time shes not having it and she pushes me on the bed next to me and starts tickling me. I push her off of me so I can sit up and sit her on my lap and hold her against me. I hold Lav as close as possible and squeeze the shit out of her and she wraps her arms around me. I think I'm really starting to get attached to toddler lady and its scaring the shit out me.

I look over to the clock and see it's getting close to 10. I have to wake up early for my job I'm talking like i wake up at 4 to get to work by 5 so i know we gotta get to bed like right now.

"Ok baby it's time to start getting ready for bed because we gotta wake up early for mommy's work tomorrow ok lets get you ready" i stand up and shes still holding onto me while we walk into the bathroom attached to my bedroom. I sit her down on the sink to go get her toothbrush and toothpaste. I brush her teeth and grab my hairbrush and brush through her hair getting out any tangles and put her hair in a braid so it stays out of her face while she's sleeping. When I'm all done i walk her back to the room lay her on the bed and get out her pajamas her blankie and a diaper just in case i don't want her pissing on my sheets or anything

I lay her in the middle of the bed and i sit in between her legs to take off her clothes and put the diaper on her and then the onesie.

"All done babygirl"  i see shes starting to look tired but she's fighting it. I laugh at this and pick her up and i get out a bottle from the bag. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and pour some milk in it and put it in the microwave to heat up. While its heating up i bounce Lav a little on my hip a little to try and get her more tired. When the milk's done i walk back upstairs and put all her old clothes on the other side of the bed so i can tuck Lav in and i give her the bottle. I get out a stuffie from her bag and give her the blankie and stuffie while shes drinking her milk. I went to get her phone out so she can play a game while she waits just to see its dead. Damn ok i put it on the charger and turned on My Little Pony on the tv so she can watch while she waits for me. I give her forehead a little kiss and tell her I'm gonna go get ready for bed too and she nods not really paying any attention to me now that she has her stuffie blankie and the tv. I walk over to the bathroom to get myself ready and walk back to the room to get changed. When I'm all done i look over at Lav to see her in the same position i left her in. I pull the covers back so i can lay down with her and reach over to turn off the lamp. I decided to let her watch tv a little while longer while i went on my phone. After 10 minutes i switch off the tv and i move closer to Lav and hold her and kiss her head for a while. She finished her milk and gave me the bottle and i just put it on the floor not feeling like walking all the way downstairs. Lav lays her head on my chest and looks us at me for a while and smiles. I smile back at her and she pulls my boob out of my nightgown and starts sucking my nipple. After only like 2 minutes she stops and looks up at me

"i love 'ou mommy"

Well shit i guess now's the time

"i love you too babygirl"

She smiles and reaches her head up to give me a little kiss before going back down to reattach herself to my boob

I fell asleep with the biggest smile that night when it hit me that i really do love her and it fucking terrifies me.

Mommy MinaWhere stories live. Discover now