Chapter 15

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This chapter will have sexual assault involved and it will be descriptive

That night I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about him he was so secretive and mysterious when he wanted to be here I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling normally when I got in bed I would be knocked within 15-20 minutes
My mind was going crazy with thoughts about Jurian to the point there was no way in hell I would fall asleep anytime soon so I got up and decided to wash my face with some cold water and maybe drink some milk to help me fall asleep so that's what I did

I got up from my bed washed my face with lukewarm water (I can't stand cold water) dried my face and started to walk downstairs to the kitchen once I got there I made my way to the refrigerator and poured myself a glass of milk and start drinking it I felt way better calm

"Thirsty are we"

I knew who it was just from the choice of words he used

I turned around and put down my glass of almost finished milk swallowing the gulp I already had in my mouth

Zaliyah: Jurian

I said confronting him

Jurian: Baby girl

A part of me glittered when he called me my nickname but another part of me wanted him to shove his words up his ass.

Zaliyah: What are you doing up?

Jurian: I could ask you the same thing

He said questioning me

Zaliyah: I couldn't sleep

I said as I crossed my arms starting to get chilly

Jurian: I couldn't sleep either

He said with a growing smirk

Zaliyah: I don't believe you I think that's bullshit

Jurian: What? You think that I just didn't go to sleep at all and listened to your door until you came out and followed you your crazy if you think that

What the hell was he thinking

I was honestly a little shocked and a little scared

Zaliyah: Okay weirdo

I said playfully

Zaliyah: I'm going to bed so I'll see you around unless you lurk around my bedroom some more

I said as I placed my glass in the sink and started to walk away back to my bedroom

Jurian: Please you are not stalker worthy you'd be the last person I would stalk

He said turning around watching me as I walked away

Zaliyah: You know you want me

I said again playfully as I walked upstairs

The Next Morning

I woke up and quickly got dressed once I slipped on my gray sweatpants and yellow crop top I texted Brittany to come to pick me up to which she did But it took a literal hour Before she got to me but when she did I made sure Jurian was busy before I left I checked the gym to make sure he was there before I left with Brittany to her house

Brittany: Wait a minute... he said he wanted to just be friends that's bullshit

Zaliyah: I know but it's okay

I said not sure if I meant it or not

Brittany: yeah it's okay because tomorrow after school you're going on a date with Darren Khan

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