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Hi I'm Eniya nice to meet you and welcome this is my first authentic hard-working book so give me credit here This is the first book installment of the Perfect Trilogy A story I've had on my mind for a long time

The Perfect Enemy - First part

The Perfect Seduction - Second part

The Perfect Deception Third Part

The Perfect Devotion - Fourth part

The Perfect Remission- Fifth Installment - The Final Chapter

So if you would like to give me feedback please  do but only positive feedback I'm new and just need support, this story has been stuck in my head for so damn long that I just wanted to get it out and I wanna share it with you guys


I probably should have said this in the beginning before I said hi I'm Eniya but this story contains Strong language detailed descriptions (well as descriptive as I can try) of mental issues, talk about depression, and  domestic violence 

This is my first story so I'm doing the best I can so please stick with me on this rollercoaster keep reading hope you enjoy


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