Chapter 9

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I learned so much more about Jurian's past he was dark and deep and intimidating and took what I wanted which I heard from Jayson's account of when they were little after a whole conversation about Jurian we ate some picnic snacks laughed and talked about our childhood life I told him about the pranks me and my brother would pull on my dad he seemed energetic and charismatic with every word he would smile and show his cute dimples after a while he took me home ones it got dark

Jayson: Tonight was fun

Zaliyah: Yeah it was haha

Jayson: Well I gotta Mrs. Robinson kids are not to be kept waiting

I was in between the house and holding the door with my hand ready to go inside but still wanting to know more about Jayson he kissed my hand and walked away leaving with mystery and more questions I walked back into my house closed and locked the door and walked to the kitchen thirsty opened the fridge and got a bottle of water twisted the cap opened it and sipped the cold liquid down my throat calming down and cooling down my body temperature

"You shouldn't stay out late like that it's dangerous "

Zaliyah: You're dangerous

I say as I turned around knowing who it was from the deep advanced raspy voice

Jurian: How so? Please Enlighten me

He said folding his arm and placing his hand on one side of his face

Zaliyah: Okay

I said challenging him and putting my water bottle down on the counter and cracking my knuckles

Zaliyah: Well I heard when you were little you were a dick to your dad and possessive of your mom

Jurian: Oh really is that what you've heard?

He said again challenging me with a firming smirk and his racing dark blue eyes looking through my soul making me nervous and sweaty inside

Zaliyah: Yeah so either you have daddy issues and your a mommas boy or your a secret serial killer who wants to murder your whole family and has a secret obsession with your mom

Jurian: Hmmm I think...

He said obviously being sarcastic being deep in thought 

Jurian: I'm more of... the second option ...let's just say I have a little anger temper

He said looking deep through my soul I quickly looked away initiates and scared and my eyes burned

Jurian: It's late you should go to bed

Zaliyah: You should go to bed

Jurian: I can't not yet

Zaliyah: Why?

Seeming more intrigued he was so mysterious that it was like he was being careful letting out a few facts now and then

Jurian: I have a routine ... I have to follow that routine or else

Zaliyah: or else what?

He stopped and just got quiet for a second like he was thinking about something or debating whether or not to tell me Well I learned the answer because he leaned forward towards me like he was going to tell me what he was thinking But instead of giving what I was yearning for he said

Jurian: It's late... you should go to bed

With that before I could react he got up like we didn't just have a conversation like nothing ever happened and walked away like he didn't give a fuck I was pissed what the hell who does that well I thought obviously not a normal one there was something off about him I just couldn't put my finger on something ones just aching to know more about was he a secret serial killer or was it much more deep and dark than I expected I ended up getting tired of thinking about it so I watched some tv before I forced myself up and stumbled to my be dim and dropped myself on my bed I didn't bother moving or covering myself with my comforter instead I just gave up and fell asleep

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