"Are you all right?" Estelle asked. He could have wept, hearing her sounding like her old self.

He managed to fight a husky rasp from his voice as he replied, "I'm fine. Just a few scars and some soreness. You?"

"I'm all right."

She stroked the Bond and Mikael closed his eyes, his shoulders shaking with smothered sobs. He could feel the Bond as strongly as ever. It glowed with a brilliant light as he tugged it. Umbra squeezed his arm and the other shadows draped themselves over his shoulders.

"Do you want to tell us what happened now or later?" Ameer asked.

I'm ready if you are, Estelle said over the Bond.

"We're ready," Mikael answered.

"But bring only those you have to right now," Estelle added. Ameer nodded and briefly touched his forehead to Mikael's before leaving the room.

Thesan rubbed Estelle's shoulder, offering her a small smile. "I'm glad you're all right." Estelle returned his smile and he ducked out the door behind Ameer.

Mikael was aware of Azriel's gaze on them, but he continued to hold Estelle. He stroked her hair with one hand and traced soothing circles on her back with the other. She buried her face in his neck, inhaling his scent. Her own drifted up to him, smoke and snowdrops.

After a moment, she let go and slid off the bed. "I'm going to the bathroom," she announced and closed the door behind her.

Mikael looked down, crossing his arms over his knees. Umbra brushed across his cheek. "She asked me why the shadows chose to stay with you," Azriel said. "Shortly after the training exchange began. I knew then, what you were. Who you were."

Mikael didn't look up or speak as Azriel continued. "I was hesitant and overly protective. I knew how your first meeting ended. I didn't want my daughter with someone like that. But things changed. I watched her fall in love with you. She told us what you were really like. She told me when she first suspected you were her mate."

"I didn't want to accept it. I still don't." The Shadowsinger drifted closer and Mikael risked a glance up. "But I will. I see how much she loves you, and how much you love her. I know how happy you make her. That's all I want. To see her safe and happy. To see her given everything that she deserves and more. I will accept that she has chosen you. I will accept that you are mates. I will accept that she might not need me as much anymore. And..."

    "I know," Mikael interrupted. "You'll kill me if I hurt her."

    Azriel inclined his head. "Well, yes, but that's not what I was going to say." Mikael waited expectantly. "I was going to say that Seren is right. It will be nice to have another son." His lips twisted into a cunning smile. "One that I'm not required to be nice to."

    "Likewise," Mikael chuckled. The bathroom door creaked open and Estelle returned. She settled on Mikael's lap, hooking her arms around his neck. "How much of that did you hear?" He asked, noticing her smirk.

    "Nearly all of it. Why do you think I chose to go to the bathroom? I didn't actually need to." Mikael rolled her eyes as she flicked his chin, flashing him a coy smile. Estelle tilted her head back, watching her father. "I don't care how often you beat each other up, just so long as no permanent damage is done to either of you. And leave his dick alone." Mikael flushed as Azriel scowled.

    They were all saved from whatever might've come next by the bedroom door swinging open. Seren, Thesan, and Ameer entered, accompanied by Nyx, Corbin, Lysander, Rhysand, Feyre, Devlon, Jorah, and Cassian. A larger group than Mikael had expected, but he recognized that all of their presences were necessary.

    "Walk us through what happened," Rhysand instructed.

    And they did. They explained how they'd been stolen out of the hut. They explained how they woke up and found their way to each other. They told of Ze'ev's dark powers and the creatures he raised from the dead. They told of his demise and their suspicions that he had found a spell book or a mentor. They were only interrupted a few times, when asked a specific question or told to elaborate on something.

    Rhysand spoke again when they finished. "I'll speak to Amren and possibly Helion. We'll look into how Ze'ev got his hands on those siphons and how he learned necromancy. I'm afraid we won't be able to recover his body to examine it ourselves though. The Rite has ended, and the wards will keep anyone from setting foot on Ramiel until next year."

    "But we will figure this out. I promise, Estelle. Az." Rhysand glanced at the Spymaster briefly. He touched Estelle's shoulder. Mikael had to bite down a sudden surge of protective instincts. As if sensing his feelings, Rhysand removed his hand at once. "Devlon, Jorah, Feyre, and I have discussed this amongst ourselves." He inclined his head to Devlon.

    Devlon straightened, but didn't move away from Jorah. His hand rested on her slightly rounded stomach. Mikael smiled, catching a hint of the female's scent. Estelle returned his smile and he knew she'd caught it too.

    "You weren't supposed to enter the Rite this year, but you passed regardless of the circumstances you faced," Devlon said. "Both of you have earned the rank of Carynthian warriors."

    "Even me?" Mikael asked, raising his eyebrows. "But I'm not an Illyrian."

    "You passed the Rite as any Illyrian would," Jorah replied. "You have earned the title, though you fly with your own people."

    "Thank you."

    "You'll also receive your warrior tattoos," Devlon said, looking at Estelle. "Come to Windhaven whenever you're ready."

    "And Mikael?" She urged.

    Devlon rolled his eyes with a sigh. Jorah elbowed him sharply. "Yes, Mikael will be given tattoos too, if he wants them."

    "Do they come in gold?" Mikael asked, glancing at Estelle from the corner of his eye. She was smiling.

    "I'll see what can be done," Jorah promised. "Don't rely on Devlon for anything color related."

    "Estelle, these are for you." Feyre held out a small box. Estelle took it wordlessly and removed the lid. Inside sat five more golden siphons, like the two she already had.

    "Seven siphons?" Corbin exclaimed. "That's not fair. Why do Estelle and Nyx get seven siphons?"

    "Mine were a mating present and I needed them," Nyx pointed out.

    "And I've earned these and also need them," Estelle added.

    "You'll receive more siphons later on," Cassian promised, ruffling Corbin's golden brown hair.

    "Thank you!" Estelle stared at the gems, her delight evident.

    "Come," Feyre said after a moment. "Let's give these two some time alone." She began ushering everyone out the door.

    Seren kissed Estelle's forehead, then Mikael's. He couldn't bite back his smile. Thesan hugged them both before Ameer pulled him out of the room. Seren wrapped an arm around Azriel's shoulders and guided him out as well, closing the door softly behind them.

    Mikael cupped Estelle's cheek in his hand and kissed her deeply. She leaned into him with a contented sigh. "Let's discuss our mating ceremony," she said.

    "A discussion that is long overdue," Mikael laughed.

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