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Utahime made her way towards their table along with Shoko who was still hugging her from sideways. "Shoko we are already at our table you can let me go now." Utahime said as she patted Shoko on the head. "You don't know, Hime. Listening to that sweet voice of yours after so many years.. It's just beautiful." Getou pulled Shoko back to him as he spoke. "No doubt Utahime-san, i was shocked by myself and I didn't expect that at all. You were so great." A wide smile appeared on her face. "I appreciate you all liked it so much. it really means so much to me." Gojo, on the other hand, stood quietly with hands in his pockets as he saw his friends talking and appreciating her, not knowing what to say exactly. So much was going on in his mind. "What is happening to me? What is this feeling? Why haven't i felt this with someone else? Gojo, You just met her!" His thoughts were vanished when he saw her laugh over something. "So Beautiful." His world stopped when she locked eyes with him. She blushed and smiles formed on both their faces.

"We are going for drinks!" Mei exclaimed after they had dinner and the party was almost over. Most of the guests were already gone. "You guys have fun, Me and Utahime are leaving." Gojo said as he stood up from his place. "Why? it's a day off tomorrow and just 10:30." Nanami spoke up as Shoko replied. "Well Utahime has to move stuff to her apartment and Gojo is helping her to do so." Everyone nodded as Utahime held her clutch bag and phone. "Well then, see you guys around, thankyou for a good time everyone." Shoko gave Gojo her apartment's spare key as they made their way outside the restaurant. They started walking towards the parking lot. The weather was chilly. Cold breeze was brushing against their skins. As the winds were blowing, Gojo glanced towards Utahime who was not wearing anything except her dress and clearly shivering. "She'll catch a cold." He thought to himself as he removed his coat and wrapped it around Utahime. Her eyes wide opened as soon as she felt his warmth around her. "Here, put it around well or else you'll catch a cold." "Th-Thank you but aren't you cold." Utahime asked Gojo with a concern in her eyes which made him smile "Nah I'm good just keep it with yourself" and he started to walk ahead towards the car, while she walked behind slowly. She gripped the coat tight around her.

"It feels so warm..."

He held the door open for her to be seated and then made their way to Shoko's apartment. She gathered up her stuff from the guest room while gojo took her suitcases to place them in the car. Utahime thought to help lifting the boxes. She was so petite and delicate just when she lifted the box, she disbalanced. As soon as she was about to fall back Gojo held her from the back. "What do you think you're doing?" Gojo asked raising his eyebrow. Utahime felt his warm hands still wrapped around her and holding the box. She snapped back after realizing she was staring right into his mysterious eyes. "Um I thought maybe i could help.." "That's what I'm here for leave it to me, give me that." "No! Let me help." "Seriously, you're one to talk." Gojo let out a slight laugh. Utahime pushed him back and tried to lift the box by herself. "Hey! I'm not weak." "Sure go ahead then." Gojo stood there kneeling himself against the door folding his arms across seeing her struggling lifting up the box. She was weak compared to him. He was tall and clearly seemed tough while she was too small and fragile. Finally giving up, she sat on the floor with a pout on her face. This made Gojo smile wide. He came forward and held his hand towards her. She took Gojo's hand and stood up again. "Told you!" With a smirk on his face, he unbuttoned top two of his shirt, loosened his tie and folded his sleeves till the elbows. She even saw some tattoos on his arms. This made Utahime gulped because she couldn't even resist herself to notice even the smallest things he was doing. "I'll take care of it. Here, hold my phone and keys." Gojo lifted up the box and went outside. She gathered up the remaining stuff and locked Shoko's apartment behind. Together, they walked out. Utahime was new with the routes here so she gave Gojo her address and he took her to the exact place which he was happy about, all because now he got to know where she lives.

"Here we are." Gojo announced as they got out of the car. The drive took about 10 to 15 minutes from Shoko's apartment to her's which was a plus point for Utahime. "Atleast i can hang out around with everyone." She thought to herself. Her apartment was on the second floor. Moving things again would be a headache but having Gojo there was no doubt quite a help. "How can i thank him for this?"

Her apartment was not too big but small and warm enough just like she wanted. Walk in lounge with a kitchen, A small bedroom with only bathroom and a narrow balcony. It was fully furnished. Gojo wandered around the place to see if everything's alright. It was. He sat on the couch almost sweating and Utahime brought him a glass of water and sat beside him. "Gojo...." He moved his gaze towards Utahime who sweetly said his name. "Thank you for helping me out. It isn't much i can do to payback but you can tell me if you want any sort of help from me. I'd be happy to help you out with it." Smile appeared on his face. "Well it's alright and about the sure about that, Utahime." Gojo said in a flirting way which made her laugh. "Hmm maybe i should just take it back." "Ouch!" Gojo said dramatically. "I guess our first meeting turned out pretty well." Utahime said as she blushed, which made Gojo smiled. Utahime got lost in her thoughts, again. "His smile...Utahime stop! You can't just start crushing over a guy you just met. Hell like, you even had a boyfriend before." Gojo then nodded at her comment but soon as he saw the time on his wrist watch, realized its probably too late. "Well i guess I'll be leaving now, i have to meet them at the bar." He said as he stood up from his place. Utahime came back to reality as soon as she heard him. Unexpectedly, he raised his hand towards her cheek and gently stroked her scar. Utahime became still. She felt his warm touch against her skin which gave her goosebumps but there was something in those eyes. "Confusion" There wasn't any smile but a concern on his face. He didn't even realized what he was doing until he did, he stepped back and cleared his throat rubbing his nape. "Uhh then i should go now. See you later, Utahime." Just when he was about to leave, She held his hand. She took off his coat and gave it back to him. "You can't leave like that at this hour, Here." He took his coat from her hands and put it on as he said. "Tell me if there's anything else I can do for you." Utahime nodded as he got out of her apartment. When he was out of sight, Utahime locked her door and slipped down laying her back against it. "He probably hates my scar, no wonder everyone does. Look at him and then look at yourself. This makes me hideous." She hid her face with her hands as she sobbed and recalled about what happened with her in the past and how much it still haunts her.

Gojo sat inside his car staring at the wheel and gripping it tightly. Some minutes passed by, he let out a deep sigh. "I wonder how she got that. Even with a scar, she looked like an angel." He brought the collar of his coat and took a quick sniff from it which made him smile like an idiot.
"It got her scent."

Gojo went straight to the bar to meet everyone else. "The girls are pretty drunk and we had to remain sober." Nanami said as Getou turned his attention towards Gojo. "So how was it?" "It was nice, it won't take too long for her to be settled in besides its just a 15 minutes drive from Shoko's to her's." Gojo replied as he smoked his puff. Getou and Nanami went back to their girls as Gojo thought of something. He handed over Shoko's apartment key to Getou and picked up her phone from the counter top where they were busy having drinks. This made Getou raised an eyebrow towards him.

"Got it!"

Hey babies! Here is the third chapter enjoy! >_<

JJK; Gojohime &quot;Only A Fool For You.&quot;Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant