Underground highschool volume 1

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(Space before a word means it's an action that's getting done. and if it's a name or something then someone is talking)
Narrator: This story begins when there was a great wave of energy that destroyed millions of people. Over time the people that survived that wave are trying to rebuild what they lost...
  Then the camera pans from the sky down to a boy with black hair and blue eyes walking to school. As he gets closer to the school he turns his head and sees this big school
Boy 1: Wow that's a big school
Then he gets a phone call and he answers his phone and it's a boy
Boy 2:Bro this school is big and where are you.
Boy 1:I just got here why?
Boy 2:School is about to start that's why!!
Boy 1:For real how much time I have left.
Boy 2:About like 5 minutes.
Boy 1:Ok and how to get to class again I kinda forgot.
Boy 2:Is there ever a time you don't forget about something?
(Boy 1 starts laughing)
Boy 2:But anyways go up the elevator to the 10th floor take 5 rights and 2 lefts then you'll be there alright bye.
And he hangs up the phone so then the guy runs to class and he's really fast.
         (Then it cuts to when he is in the hallway)
    So as he runs down the hallway this girl is coming the same way the guy is and he accidentally runs into her. They fall to the ground on top of each other and he starts to blush then he gets up and picks her up. Then he helps her gets her thing back in her bag and hands the bag to her
Rin: Sorry for that I was going too fast like usual. And didn't see you there. hey, my name is Rin.
   (She doesn't say anything back but in her head she says)
Girl 1:This boy is strange and I sense a lot of dormant energy from him. Maybe I should keep watch on him from now on.
Rin: Ok then bye.
And he runs off and as soon as he gets to class the bell rings. So he looks around the class and sees the girl from earlier. So he goes to her and sits by her.
Rin: Hey girl from earlier.
She waved at him but doesn't talk. Then she starts to focus on the teacher the signals to him that maybe I should do the same thing. They have math class first so they go. Then they do an about me project and everyone went but when it was her turn.
Girl 1: Sir do I have to go up there and talk. Can I just give you my paper instead?
Math Teacher: Yea you can just give me your paper. So that means Rin your turn. Then he gets up and he says.
Rin: I'm fast and I love to be alone.
Math teacher: ok then thanks for sharing.
Then a kid knocks on the door then a girl opens it and he goes to the teacher.
Boy 3: I'm sorry I was late.
Then he goes to his seat and the teacher walks to his table. And put his hand up in the air then the bell rang.
Math teacher: Alright students have a good day.
Rin: What was he about to do to him.
So then he walks to his next class. It's a gym so when he gets to the gym he sits on bleachers
Rin: Coach can I go to the bathroom?
Coach: Yea but hurry back we starting a game soon.
So when he gets back they already playing a basketball game.
Rin: Hey coach can I join?
Coach: Yea anyone wants to get off
Boy 4:Yea thanks for that I didn't wanna play anyways.
So rin starts playing and they lost to the other team. Then he starts walking toward one of the guys
Rin: Good game
Boy 5:Yea good game
then the bell rings so he leaves the class. Now he is in his last class which is English. When he walks into the class.
English teacher: Hey rin sit down right now so we can get started as fast as possible.
Rin: ok
So he sits down and it just goes like a regular class. Then the bell rings to leave the school. But as he leaves the school. He starts to see these weird things then when he gets out of the school they go anyway.
Rin: scared what was that and he goes home.

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