Bakugo x female reader

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  { this story contains sexual contact if you are not comfortable with any mention  or talk about this please leave if you are not old enough to be reading this make your way to the exit you have been warned read at your risk)

-   warning this story includes

-  rough sex


-   and speaking

{  word count 2431}


s you andBakugo have been dating for a while now and we'll he's usually quite clingy. but lately, he's been more distant since you've made friends with Deku more. Which you understand because he doesn't get along with him he sees him more as a rival the whole thing is childish. So you don't care for it deku so far has been a good friend to you extremely nice so you didn't care what Bakugo thought about it.

little did you know though it was extremely bothering him especially since he tried to make plans with you but you were too busy hanging out with the nerd? this pissed him off to an extreme.

 And well today he finally snapped. It all started this morning when we got to school.

y/n pov 

 wake every morning I got to class and well I went to go say hi to friends I went over to talk to Bakugo. but it seems like he was in some type of mood because he's simply given me the cold shoulder I blamed it on him being tired because of training yesterday.

 So I simply just went over to Deku witch caught his eye but I didn't seem to notice at the time.

good  morning acid in a cheerful voice to the green-haired boy

 he said morning with a soft smile and wave  but then he Frozen place due to the death stare he was getting from across the room

 Are you ok? I asked

  he simply nodded awkwardly taking a seat at his desk

 I simply said ok and replying and sat down at my desk confused

 I thought to myself that that was a strange interaction but it didn't bother me all that much

 time  skip ( lunch)

Bakugo  point of view

 she's been hanging out with that loser all day I said out loud to  Kirishima

 well I mean their friends aren't they he replied

 no one should be friends with that loser  I replied annoyed

 maybe you just need to talk to her  it bothers you  or that  you're jealous he said in a teasing tone

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