1 : white dandelions

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"Miss Eo, can you narrate to us another story, please? I want to hear one more story! Preferably, a love story again!" The little girl with pigtails whined as she raised her arm for the teacher's attention.

"I would like to hear another story too!" A boy yelled across the classroom. "Same!" A few people added along the way and the rest nodded their heads, agreeing with the two students.

"Another story?!" Hwayoung exclaimed since she just finished narrating to them a made-up story of her own. She had yet to take a short break and the children were already longing for another story?!

Her prior story was named "VAMPIRE PRINCE", it was about a human girl meeting a vampire prince and the things they faced together. The story was pretty dramatic yet, sensational at the same time and fortunately, the fourteen-year-olds seemed to enjoy it.

"Uhm... Class, I don't think I'm able to do it. I'm sorry, I ran out of ideas." Hwayoung apologised and all of them let out a discontented sigh when Hwayoung popped their bubble of excitement.

"I'm sorry- Oh, what would you like to say?" Hwayoung paused to allow another girl who raised her arm to speak.

"Miss Eo, why not share with us your love story? I'm sure that you have been through more than one love relationship since you are so pretty!" A girl who sat at the front suggested.

Her compliment instantly made Hwayoung smile but, the smile quickly became a nostalgic one.

That was also when she caught sight of tiny dandelion flying in from the door...

"HEY, LOOK! IT'S A DANDELION!" A girl exclaimed, pointing at the white feathery-like plant.

"My father who works as a florist said that white dandelions symbolise purity, innocence and healing! Good luck!" The girl raised her voice.

"Wow!" Everyone admired in awe as that dandelion gently landed on the table.

"It also symbolises grief..." Hwayoung muttered while she stared at the dandelion which was blown away by the gentle wind once again.

"Miss Eo, I'm sorry, what did you say just now? I wasn't able to catch that." The girl's voice snapped Hwayoung out of her thoughts.

"Oh, it was nothing much, don't worry," Hwayoung reassured with a grin.

"Can you tell us your love story, please?" The children asked politely.

"But, I only have one and it is not that interesting." Hwayoung let out.

"It's alright, just share it with us then!" Three girls replied in unison.

Hwayoung turned around to look at the white clock, "It seems like we have forty-five minutes left..." She paused to look back at the children who were anticipating her response, curiosity and suspense all written over their faces.

"Okay, okay... Just one more... just one more." Hwayoung took a deep breath before she started to narrate her story to them.

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A young man named Nasreddin planted a flower garden, but when the flowers came up so, did a great crop of dandelion.

THERAPY ● Yang Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now