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Sapnap POV (3rd person) Time: 7:30am

After an hour of looking at the ceiling and not wanting to get up Sapnap chose or well forced to. His mother walked into his room angry.

Sapnap hurry up and get out of bed! I know your shy and dont like to talk with your family but you have to be with us before you leave and head of to your new school! His mother said to the boy.

Sapnap looked down at his feet, he wanted to talk he really did, he just couldnt and his mother doesnt want to accept that their son cant talk.

His mother has been sending him to therapy to fix his shyness and get him to start talking but he cant.

Her words were, "Maybe therapy can fix you Sapnap."

Sapnap just nods at his mother and heads downstairs to grab a little something to eat before going back up to his room and getting changed out of his night-wear.

He waved goodbye to his mother as he walked out of his house and to the bus stop to wait for the bus.

Time skip: 8:50am Sapnap POV (3rd person)

Sapnap waits in the front of the class, right next to the door so he can't be spotted by anyone, waiting for the teacher to start the lesson. He looks around the class to see everyone sitting in groups of two but this one boy who looked angry at everyone but he didnt know why and he couldn't ask him. The boy has these black glasses with orange lenses, Sapnap didn't think that glasses have coloured lenses so he would probably ask him why they are like that.

The teacher finally after 5 minutes got the attention of the class and called Sapnap over to them. Sapnap did as he was told and stood next to the teacher. The teacher was very short so it looked like he was the teacher not the actual teacher.

"Class! This is the new student! He came all the way from Texas and he got put up a year so he is probably smarter than all of you idiots!" The teacher explained and then everyone started screaming at the teacher, but the boy with the weird glasses.

"That is enough!" The teacher shouted, "We should let the new student introduce themselves shouldn't we? Class this means NO interrupting and making comments!"

The teacher smiled at Sapnap and he looked like somebody who almost got run over by a car. He couldn't speak he didn't know why. He just stared at the ground and nodded. The teacher was looking at him angry with their arms crossed.

"Sapnap! Hurry up and introduce yourself! We have to start the lesson and your holding us up!" The teacher kept shouting at him. Sapnap kept looking at the ground hugging himself frowning, he didn't mean to cause so much trouble.

The boy with the weird glasses looked at Sapnap and frowned.

They both heard some shouting from the students, some about continue what he is doing we don't want to do work, some telling him to sit down and just say his name. But one of the shouts name both of the men pissed off.

"LOOK! ITS ANOTHER FREAK!" A student in the class yelled out.

That's when glasses had enough of it. Glasses got out of his chair and walked to the front where Sapnap is. Glasses looked out the class and saw a man with a smile mask and frowned at him then nods and mask did it back before leaving to his class that was across the hall. Glasses got a hold of Sapnap's arm and smiled softly at him before walking back to his seat and sits Sapnap in the empty one next to him.

"Hi.. my name is George.. are you okay?" Glasses whispered to Sapnap. Sapnap looked around and then pointed to George's notebook.

"Do you want to write something?" George asks and Sapnap nods. George hands his book to him and a pen.

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