Chapter 9

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"When the sun sets, you shouldn't see your husband. You can only see him, when the sun rises tomorrow, you understand?" Sojal waited for her answer.

"Yes, auntie". Naina shook her head in agreement.

"Now go and get your clothes and necessary things. Then come to my room and shut the door." Sojal commanded.

Naina went to the room Anika showed her earlier. Anika said she have set all her the clothes in its wardrobe.

Naina climbed the steps in a hurry to get her clothes. Suddenly she was grabbed by her hand and landed on a strong chest

"Where are you going, Mrs. Raizada?" Ishaan smirked at Naina's wide eyes.

"Umm..I want to get my clothes."

Ishaan took her hand and led her into their bedroom.

She have only known Ishaan for only a week and a half. But she feels like a trembling little child with him. There's something about him, she can't quite explain. He feels warm and cold at the same time. His words feels like it's from a warm loving caring person, but his eyes feels like he wants to kill her. He is hiding something. But she can't understand what.

"Take what you need." Ishaan opened the wardrobe all filled with different of clothes.

She have never had this much clothes in her entire life. The only times she got clothes was when someone donates their old clothes to the orphanage. Sometimes she wore men tshirt to school, because that's what they donate. She learned to sew clothes so that she can patch up any torn pieces.

Naina stared at the wardrobe and took one plain rose tshirt and grey sweatpants from it. She need to take undergarments but it felt awkward when Ishaan was staring. So she took a peek to see if he was looking at her. But he was sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone.

Naina took the chance and took the underwear and went to the bathroom for getting her toothbrush.

When she came out, Ishaan was staring at her.

"Come sit here." He patted on the side of his bed.

Naina nervously walked upto him and sat near him. She avoided eye contact with all her will power.

"What happened there?" He asked touching her clothes where her scar was.

Naina couldn't tell him her worst memory. She can't start talking about it without crying and she didn't wanna cry in front of her new husband.

"Oh it's nothing, I fell from a tree when I was five ended up getting a long wound. " She said while she played with her fingers. She was the worst at lying.

Ishaan looked at her for few seconds, watching her face and her nervous eyes.

"Okay, Now go. It's almost sunset." He told her.

Naina took her clothes, supplies and left the room.

Sojal came and locked her in the room leaving Naina all alone in there. She laid on the bed and stared at the roof.

How did she get her? She was just a waitress and an orphanage care taker last week. Now she's married to a billionaire, whom she can't understand.
Her life turned 180° in a span of a week.

Can she love Ishaan ? It's her duty to love her husband, but she can't love someone she can't understand or worse, someone she's afraid of. Every words from him makes her body shiver.

She was a law student, she's a well spoken person. But when it comes to him, words fails to find her.

She was afraid of what's going to happen next. She's living with India's most wealthiest people. She don't know their lifestyle, their hobbies, their etiquettes anything. She's afraid of embrassing Ishaan. He was one of the hottest bachelor in India. People made edits of him on Instagram. There were millions of girls around the world crushing on him and that guy ended up marrying this orphan girl. No wonder they didn't want the media attention. They are probably embrassed with her.

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