Chapter 6

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Everything happened so fast. Ishaan and I didn't talk all the way home from our wedding venue.
It was awkward. But that's what happens when 2 strangers marry each other.
We reached the Raizada Mansion in 20 mins.
It was the most beautiful and biggest house I've ever seen in my life.
I stepped out our fancy car. I looked around for Ishaan and seems like he went through the other car door and he was already in the house.
I followed him.
I entered into the mansion to see, Shivaay bhai and Anika babi already there waiting for us.
"I know, it's not what you expected honey, but as we are keeping this marriage a secret, all the celebrations are avoided." Shivaay said apologetically.
"No, no it's okay. This is more than I expected." I said and smiled.

Anika came near me and put her hands on my shoulder. Anika was breathtakingly beautiful. She had beautiful hair which was made into perfection with the help of India's best stylist. She wore expensive dresses which makes her looks exactly like an Indian Princess. In fact she is a Princess, she comes from Agnihothri Royal family. Even though she was rich, she was extremely kind and generous. She welcomed me into this family like I was her own sister.

"Come Naina, I will help you change."
I went along with her. She showed this really big room. All the other rooms had light shade paint and tiles. But the room Anika showed me had dark colour. It was  filled with dark colour furniture. The only white colour they had in this room was the white bedsheet, which was decorated with roses and jasmine.

Okay, so that's the bed, Ishaan and I are sharing.

Also today's my First Night.

WHAT THE HELL?????? I didn't think of it until now. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do. I have never had a boyfriend and all I know about first nights is from Indian soap opera.

Anika started to undo my lehenga. She helped me to strip my lehenga skirt. Suddenly Anika's phone started to ring.
"Give me a second sweetie, I'll be right back." She took her phone and left the room.
I was there standing in my underskirt and lehenga top. I took off my bangles and necklaces i wore. The bangles came off quickly but the necklace was stuck on my top. So I tried to take off my top. But I couldn't reach my hand there to unbotton it.  I tried pull the top to reach the button, but I failed miserably.
Suddenly, the bathroom door open and Ishaan wearing a wet towel around his waist came into the room. He had another towel on his hand drying his hair. He stood still and looked at me. I froze.

There was something in the way he breathe, the movement of his chest, the water drops dripping down his pale torso, his chiseled body. His pink lips were slightly parted and his dark brown eyes were staring at me. I started to blush and look away. Even though he is my husband, it was awkward.

I turned away and saw myself in the mirror, and looked at what I was wearing. I grabbed the lehenga skirt on the floor to cover my bottom.
I caught him smirking at my action. I looked around to find a way out. That's when he stepped toward me. I stood froze there.
He was coming closer. My anxiety kicked in and my breathing started to be in a hurry.

I kept on staring down at my lehenga skirt. He came and stood face to face with me.
I can feel his cold breath on my forehead. He was so much taller than me. He placed a finger on my chin and made me look up to him.
"What's wrong Naina, do you want help with changing?" He asked.

Damn that voice

"No, it's fine. Anika bhabi is helping me. She just went outside for a phone call." My voice came out so weak than I expected.

"Turn around." He placed his strong hands on my shoulder and turned me around to face a big mirror on the wall. I felt so small under his hands.

My heart felt like it was going 100 km/hr. I again looked down at my feet instead of looking into the mirror.

"Chin up, Naina." He again pulled my face into looking into mirror.

"You're Mrs. Ishaan Raizada now. You should never look down." He said in a commanding voice which I replied in an awkward nod.

Suddenly he placed his face on the right of my nape of neck. His breath on my neck was making my legs shake.

What kind of feeling is this?? I have never felt these kinds of feelings in my entire life.

He looked like a greek god in the mirror. His perfect lips, jaws, and his most perfect eyes.

He placed his hands on my top and started to un botton my top.
He was so close to me that I can hear his each and every breathe. He opened all the buttons with such an ease. I grabbed the top before it hit the ground and covered my chest with it.

He looked at my spine. I was skinny and had a bony structure. But I had little curve wherever it was needed.
He placed his cold finger on top of my spine.

I was standing there in my underskirt, my pink Lacey bra and my lehenga top covering my chest. When his finger touched my skin, I gasped. My body felt hot under his touch.

Hearing my gasp, he looked me in the mirror. I was staring at the mirror with my lips parted and my eyes wide.

"What's wrong, wifey? Can't I touch my wife?" He smirked and started to trail his finger around my spine.
My breath started to quicken again. Suddenly he noticed something on my skin. He shoved my lehenga top aside and started to check on it.

It was my scars. The scars I got in an incident I had when I was 5 years old. There was a long scar on side of my spine. That's where my old caretaker put a hot iron rode on my body as a punishment for eating a piece of bread she kept on her plate. That traumatic memory flashed before me. I have never told anyone about that incident or showed anyone my burn scars. So I didn't want to show it to my stranger husband on the first day of our wedding.

He was touching my scars to know exactly what it was. But I turned around to face him. He looked at me in confusion.
I didn't let him finish. I took my dress and left the room .

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