Chapter 4

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**Naina pov**

Yes, I'm standing in front of the Raizada Co. Building. It's a 30 storey building. Wow..this is rich.
Should I go meet him and talk to him from getting into this marriage?? Or should I just leave.
Hmmm...yea I should just meet and talk to him.
Or not.
I could just leave... like right now.
Come on didn't come all the way to Mumbai just for seeing this big ugly building.
Yea..Come on Naina...You can do it. You can just meet and him and make him see what you're and he can save himself from the marriage. You're doing something good for him.

Oh god, my mind just can't shut up.

So I strated walking up to the building. I get into it. It's really big and made full of glass. I always thought I would working in a building like this when I graduate. Yea but it didn't happen. Atleast I had a marriage proposal from someone who owns the building.

I took the elevator and went to the top floor because the receptionist said that's where Ishaan office is.

I stepped out of the elevator. There's like glass walls everywhere. What's up that?.

There are people in suits walking around everywhere and no one is giving me any attention.  They all look so classy and elegant. And I looked myself in the glass wall and saw what I look like...Wow I'm so ugly.
I wore an old pink churidar I had. The pink looks so faded right now. 
Anyway I walked into the floor and asked a guy in suit where Ishaan office is. He pointed me to a black door with glass wall.
I looked inside the room through the glass wall. But I can't see anything . It's not transparent. I squinted my eyes to see more.
Suddenly the glass door threw open and this tall figure with this insane face and body appeared.
I gulped. It's him . It's Ishaan Raizada.
I should run..I could run. could just talk to him, Naina.

"How can I help you?" Ishaan asked.
His voice is deep and mesmerizing.
Like that guy from 'You' series.
"Umm..I was looking for you." I replied.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Naina...Shivaay sir knows me. He said about you to my Maaji...I mean Sarojini". I stuttered.
"Oh yes. Come in." And he went into his room.
I followed him to this big room, which was also made of glass walls.
There was a  black desk and chair, infront of it there was 2 big comfy looking chairs. There was also a big dark brown sofa on the left of the room. There's also so many paintings hanging on that glass walls too. I looked around. It looked so beautiful.
"Have a seat, Ms. Naina".
Ishaan's voice interpreted my mouth wide staring at the room.
"I-"  My voice came out sounding so feeble.  I cleared my throat.
Ishaan made a gesture for me to sit. So I took seat in one of those comfy chair. Wow it feels like I'm sitting on a piece of could. Ishaan took a seat in his chair too.
Ishaan was wearing a black suit. His face ...yea his face looks perfect like always.
"I'm here to talk about what Shivaay sir said." I said.
"Yes, what's there to talk about?" He asked me.

Really??? What's there to talk about..Dude, you're talking about marriage ....marrying me...Like what the hell?

"I'm an orphan, You don't need to pity marry me. I can understand if you're not into marrying me."

"Yea, I know that Naina. My brother said how much it would be helpful if I married you. " He said looking at me.

His eyes are so captivating..It's like he is seeing right through me.

"Yea, it will really good for our orphanage, but it's your life, you shouldn't just threw it away for me." I gave him some puppy eyes.

"No, Naina. I made up my mind. You will marry me." He smiled. It felt like a devilish grin.

Oh god...What the hell?????? First, my name sounds so sexy in his voice, I didn't knew that was possible. Second of all, 'you will marry me''s like he was commanding me or something.

I just nodded in return. I don't know how to reply to that.
"Now come Naina, let me show you the way out. We have all our lifetime to talk. Now I have to do some work." He stood up from his chair and walked toward me.
I stood up too. Now we are just standing near to each other. He raised his arm and tucked a hair strand behind my ears.  And I just stood there without breathing. He gave me his devilish smile and showed me the way out. I went along with him.

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