AD 2- Highnight

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I walked across the light of the moon everything around me turning to be and Zane's tail was the only thing that led me to our destination.

Nineteen minutes earlier.

'What am I doing' My whole body was moving against my will I could still talk but all of a sudden my main goal was to reach whatever was compelling my body to come closer. I wasn't to die tonight or any night. By the looks of it, The boy was also compelled as I could talk I decided to ask a few questions.

"What's your name?"


"Your name"


A pretty common name.

I was able to keep the questions going but all I got were a few nods and glances my way. We had walked for minutes but it felt like hours. And my body was about to collapse before I heard something it was like a siren and all of a sudden I felt energized. I thanked the above and continued this pointless unwilling trek. My energy back I tried to use my fire magic to light our way as we could not see where we were going. A small spurt of fire burst from my hands and I tried to make it spin faster making us warmer. I frowned as the fire even went dimmer and that was when I noticed we had gotten deeper into the forest. It seemed like there was someone or something that was able to suppress my magic maybe both of ours but Zane never had magic, to begin with.

I retraced our steps just in case we might need to run and tore little pieces of my cloth scattering them on the laid-back grass. If this was anything like Hansel and Gretel we were either going to get eaten by a monster or return home safely and I preferred the latter.


I jumped hearing the hooting of an owl and even clung to Zane's tail. Something creepy was going on here.

Now both me and Zane jumped when we heard the wolf howls. We rushed towards that direction without thinking and crouched as we reached a bush right behind the big bad wolf. This was probably a bad place to hide but at least I was safe. The groud rumbled and I sighed or not. A tail came flying over our heads and hitting the wolf with a sickening howl. Maybe this wasn't the safest place after all. I signaled Zane to follow me and we crouched to the other side of the wolf climbing a short tree to properly view our predicament. My eyes bulged at what I was seeing.

A huge white wolf stood in front of a white fox with six great big tails looming over its head. I did a silent prayer and looked back to the predicament before us silently slipping off the tree despite Zane's protests not long after I heard the shuffling of feet following me and I smirked. I went behind the wolf wincing as something brushed against my leg. I looked down to find three little Fox cubs. If I could call them that. I looked at the white fox and back at the cubs.

I understood the situation now as weird as it may have seemed it looked like the wolf and the fox Entwined eventually making three foxes wolfs. The cubs were black and white and had very sharp teeth from my view supporting my theory. I put my hands up in front of me as the mother fox looked back for a second baring her teeth as she saw us with her children. Getting distracted for even a second was a fatal mistake for her as the wolf slammed onto her sending her tumbling. The wolf bared its teeth at us before glancing at Zane's tail which had surprisingly turned to nine. I rubbed my ears and pinched myself. The wolf growled turning away from us but hehe mothers are overprotective.

The fox let out a screech sinking her claws and teeth into the wolf's fur and he let out a deafening roar black blood bleeding from all his pores. It looked like the fox had put her all into her last attack and she looked at me giving me a soft glance before collapsing. I looked back at Zane who now had only one tail and back at her rushing towards her as everything else could wait. She nudged her nose as I neared so I cautiously tried to communicate with her maybe animal talking was also part of the wonders of this world.

The cubs came over me with wary glances and one even bared teeth at me I don't know what happened next but the mother grabbed the aggressive cub and boom the world went blue. The next thing I knew I felt a sharp prick on my arm and passed out.

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