AD 1- Reincarnation

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I woke up in a garden with several people around me and I tried talking to one shocked when my hand passed through them. A flood of memories came rushing in and I sighed at my stupidity. I wondered if I was dead and tried to poke myself. Yep, I'm alive or maybe I'm in the afterlife. I looked around and all I saw were ghosts some of young men and women some old and some children.

I decided to follow the spirits and walked along with them putting a hand in them a few times in wonder.

I had followed the spirits up to this point where they all stopped and ascended through a few of them were sent down mostly. And I just assumed up was heaven and down was hell. I stopped and looked at the big tree in front of me even jumping up a few times to see whether or ascend shuddering at the thought of my other option. I rested on the bark of the tree and plucked a flower removing all its petals and blew it away.

"Please refrain from doing that these flowers are special"

I looked around but all I saw was air and a bunch of flowers.

"Who are you?" I asked

"I'm something like your afterlife guide"

"Afterlife guide, shocker"

"Indeed, you weren't even supposed to end up here"

I stood up hurriedly "what do you mean"

"There was a huge chance you were going to be sent down you know the down the underneath"

"Down!" I said in horror

"But im not am I"

"Luckily for you, the heavens have decided to give you a second chance at life but under different circumstances".

"What different circumstances?"

"You'll find out later you know too much information and you go swoosh down"

I deadpanned and said "no more information please"

"Oh, well, some took the risk"

I went silent for a moment before asking a question

"So, what next"

"Oh you know basic reincarnation stuff"


"Oops," his voice shouted in my mind.

"Anyway before you go you need to make a choice"

I nodded

"Remember or not"

I stood shocked and went with the first option

"Remembering would help with some things I guess"

"Any last words"

"Where are you"

"Hehe, humans are surprisingly dense"

I heard a whooshing sound and tried to scream when I felt the wind pushing against my back but to my surprise, I couldn't move my mouth or body. The event had passed and I sighed trying to move and talk now but still no response.

I waited for a while before I heard the sounds of crying and screaming. Curious I willed my body to move to no avail and sighed. To my surprise, a sound came out of me, and I laughed but all I heard was crying.

Footsteps rushed over to me and I smiled happily I was finally getting attention. I was brought up and was finally able to see a little and wowed the woman currently holding me had sharp-pointed ears like an elf. I shifted my head only to hear more crying realizing it came out of my mouth.

I was a baby!

I quickly dispelled the thought but it kept intruding my mind and I gasp which came out as crying again. There was nothing in my mind. I cried this time louder than before but stopped when the woman holding me started to sway me. She was mildly attractive had red hair and green eyes a pointed nose and a shaped lip. But that was as far as my baby eyes would let me see. Knowing I had stopped crying the woman looked at my face with sad eyes before carrying me over to the brown house In front of us. I touched her ear as we headed there finally able to do small things like moving my hands and see as far as I could.

The woman let a teardrop into my face and I tried to smile. It seemed like it worked because the woman had stopped crying. Only to resume crying as she opened the door. I winced hearing shouting immediately the doer was open. I started crying as I was taking away from the woman and given to a man who looked at me with the same love the woman did maybe even more as he touched my ears and carried me inspecting my body.

I pointed at both of them and started laughing or whatever I did.

The man smiled and said "Dada"

I repeated after him surprised I was able to talk "Dada"

He pointed at the woman beside him and said "Moma"

I started crying and looked at the woman who held me before pointing at her noticing the man holding me gave her a disapproving glare.

He shaked his head and pointed to the woman next to him "Moma" I nodded slowly and pointed at her "Moma" I repeated. He smiled and gently carried me over to the woman next to him and I pointed at her saying "Moma"

She broke into tears and hugged me tears streaming down her face. I squirmed in her grasp and let out a whimpering sound looking at the other woman in the room before smiling at her and holding my ears.

She smiled waving at me and I smiled back not fully understanding what was going on.

"Your new home," the man said pointing at both him and Moma. I nodded in agreement giving one last glance at the first lady I saw when I came into this world.

I was carried out of the house and was put I side what was like a carriage my Dada carrying me in his hands as the riders took us to our destination my eyes closing for a minute.

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