Episode 12

830 35 7

You both just reached house
You had taken spare keys of house from mom
It was past midnight
You both entered the house just to find your both cousin ananya and gautami waiting for you on couch with grandma
Grandma:jungkook-ah you go and sleep I just want to talk with y/n a little
Jk looks at you worriedly but nod to him assuring with that jk leaves to room
As soon as he leaves you feel a tight slap on your left cheek and a harsh grip on your hairs
Yes gautami slapped you and ananya grabbed your hair
Grandma:you slut (slap on right cheek )
You didn't feel much pain
Gautami: did you enjoy your night
Ananya: f*cking 4 boys
You : Gautami Ananya how dare you !
Grandma: how dare you raise your voice against us!!
You : I don't need anyone's permission to raise my voice I am master of my words
Gautami : I think we need to cut your new born wings and tounge again
Gautami and annanya started to beat you and kick you in stomach you fainted due to tiredness of traveling and beating of theirs
After they left jungkook came downstairs and carried you to the bedroom
Jk pov
After we reached home y/n's grandma said me to go and sleep I looked at y/n she nodded I went upstairs but not in room I watched them from above and saw they slapped her and grabbed her hairs i clenched my hands on the railings above
Jk in mind
"How can they think of her that she is a slut and that also with her best friends"
Y/n raised her voice against them but suddenly they started to beat her
I felt so helpless and I looked at her our eyes met but she just smiled
I don't know how lucky I am to get such strong willpowered , hardworking and beautiful girl as my wife
I was looking at them but soon she fainted on floor and they leave her lying there
I hurriedly went downwards and carried y/n in bridal style to our room when I touched her she hissed in pain. I carefully put her on our bed and brought the antiseptic and first aid box
I started to apply it on her hands I can see clearly that she has many small cuts on her hands
You : jungkook wh-what ar-e you doing ?
Jk : shhh don't talk you are hurt right now and I am doing first aid and applying antiseptic to your arms and legs where I can see right now
You : o-ok
After doing first aid of her exposed arms and legs
Jk:y/niee wait here I will tell mom to come here
You: jungkook don't
Jk: then who will treat your other wonds ? Do you want me to call Priya or aunty ok
You : you can do it
My phone slipped from my hand when I heard what she said
I was blinking numerous times
You : Jungkook what happend?
Jk: a-are you ok with it?
You : yes
Your pov
He was going to call but I said
You : you can do it
His phone slipped from his hand and he was blinking numerous times
I literally want to laugh at him
Jk: a-are you ok with it?
He asked me
This is the thing in him for which I fell
Yes I am in love with jeon jungkook my soon to be husband but I won't tell him soon hehehe
He made me sit by headboard as to give support to my back
He slowly made me remove my top but when I completely removed it and was only left in my bra He was shocked
He was shocked cuz he could see all my scars , deep purple scars
Jk: y/n how did you get these Scars!?
You : ummm....
Jk:y/n tell me (softly )
You :i got these scars from beating and bullying
Jk: who did that !?(full angry)
You : the one who did it now
Jungkook's eyes became soft
Jk : did they hurt you this much that there are scars left even after 8 yrs ?
You : yes
You : jungkook you know it's my first time applying antiseptic and first aid to my wounds
Jk: y didn't you put it ???
You : cuz I never knew where it was and even if I then I was never allowed
Jk comes near you and kissed your forehead , a pink blush krept on your cheeks
Jk : ok now I am here to care of my babygirl no need to worry now
Now your cheeks were total red like tomatoes 🍅
He started treating your new wounds as well as the old ones
He looked up and said
Jk: you know I want to eat your red red cheeks and I will if you don't stop staring at me (smirk )
You : don't look at me like that (suttering and shy shy )
Jk: waeyo ? When I have a beautiful face to stare then why shouldn't I
You : ok ok now lets sleep I have to wake up and make Breakfast
You said and started to wear your full night dress
Jk: yah don't wear night dress!
You : huh??
Jk : I mean don't wear that one it's full and it remove all the applied antiseptic
You : then what I will wear?
He went to closet and brought a short night dress
Jk : wear this
Night dress 👇

 Jk:y/n tell me (softly ) You :i got these scars from beating and bullyingJk: who did that !?(full angry)You : the one who did it now Jungkook's eyes became soft Jk : did they hurt you this much that there are scars left even after 8 yrs ?You : ye...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

You : may I know why are carrying a ladies night dress in your clothes!?
Jk: calm down my lioness
You : so care to tell me whose it is ????
Jk: ok it's rose's night dress she always keeps a spare new one in my bag if she needs ...are you now convinced with my reason my wild cat
You :yes
You wear the spare night dress
You go and lay on one side of bed
You felt a hand around your waist which was pulling you towards itself but gently
Jk: don't panic babygirl ( whisper in your ears)
You turn around to face him
You : I am not babyboy  ....ok now sleep . Good night
Jk: good night

Next episode there will be ceremonies

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