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Double update because, it's late, I hope you like this story so far and don't forget to vote:)


I opened my eyes to see I was i was on my floor. I could barely see anything, it was all a blur, but, the pain on my face was the worst thing I had felt, that's when I remembered what happened.

I tried getting up but, I had no energy and kept stumbling, I was too weak. I looked around my room to try and find my phone but, I couldn't remember where I put it so I went over to my desk to try and help myself up and see if it was there.

I got up and looked around, my eyes were still blurry but, they were getting better, I tried to walk but, stopped. My eye sight started to clear and I looked around a bit, when I seen a figure, my eyes cleared and I seen this girl, then I realized I was staring in a mirror, when my eye sight was back to normal I looked into the mirror again. A tear rolled down my face at the sight, what has my dad done?

I had black eyes, bruises on my face and body and also had blood coming from half of my face, that must be where the glass hit me.

I go to my bed falling onto it loosing my strength, I find my phone and pick it up. The clock read 4:50pm.

I will just wait for Tyler to call, he is good with this stuff, maybe he'll make me feel better.

I took my phone into the bathroom and started to clean my face removing any glass. There were lots of small cuts on my face, it was painful but, I couldn't leave my face like that.

I looked at my phone, it was 5:05pm

I'm sure he'll call any minute now

I started to pick up the remaining glass off my floor and got changed into my pj's, Tyler was sure taking his time, he must be on the phone with his mum still. 

I picked up and book and started to read. 

When I got up to a new chapter I looked at the time, it was 8:00pm. My heart sank, then I remembered that he's got a new girl now and doesn't need me. I put my phone down and tried not to cry. I knew my dad would come back and hurt me even more. My head was hurting, I felt numb and worthless.

My phone rang and I turned over to my phone quickly.

It was Mia's friends mum. I sighed and picked up "Hello"

"Hello Paige, it's me, Robin's mum, I just wanted to know if Mia is allowed to go on holiday with us down south for 3 weeks" She says

"Yeah sure, that would be great"

"Could you bring her stuff sometime tomorrow please?"She asks

"Yeah sure" I said, maybe Mia going away will be better, she can't be put through this.

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