3 - Tree House

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I had a rough day at school, all I did was think about Tyler all day. I said sorry about spitting my drink all over him and we cleaned it up before going to school. I hadn't seen him all day and ended up going home by myself.

After school, I was all alone because, Mia stays at her friends on weekends and dad was at work. I sit there and check facebook and twitter and text Courtney and Emma.

That's when I hear a knock on my bedroom window, I jump out of my skin before quickly looking to see what it was. It was Tyler. I opened the window and he stepped in.

"Hey Rose" He said smiling

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask

"I just wanted to spend my last night with you, so, come to the tree house, when you're ready" Tyler said climbing back out and down my house.

I had a sudden burst of happiness, I put on some warmer clothes and ran out to the tree house.

I climbed up to find Tyler inside with blankets, pizza, drinks, popcorn and his laptop

"Surprise" Tyler yelled and patted a pillow next to him suggesting I sit down

"Tyler! This is so cute! You didn't have to!" I said but, Tyler interrupted me "I did and I wanted to, now sit down, grab some pizza, we are going to watch vampire diaries"

We both cuddled up under the blankets and watched vampire diaries. It felt so nice to be in his arms, but, I was sad knowing it was going to be the last time for 2 months, normally he's there to comfort me when I'm upset but, he's not going to be there.

"I'm going to miss you Rose" Tyler whispered looking at me

"I'm going to miss you ... King Tyler" I whisper back and we both start laughing

We both get tired and decide to lay down. I put my head on his chest and I heard his heart speed up, he then puts his arm round me and we watch the episode

Halfway through the episode, I heard Tyler start to snore. I took a picture and saved it as his contact in my phone. He looked cute when he sleeps and wanted to save this memory forever. I then got into a comfortable position by wrapping my arms round him and I fell asleep.


If you've gotten this far, thank you so much!

I just wanted to show a bit of what Rose and Tyler's friendship is like.

This was the second story I ever wrote for wattpad so, it is quite bad but, thank you for reading!

Let me know what you think

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