6 - Cinema

46 1 1

Sorry it's a bit late!

I love friends! Reason for the gif


We got ready for our day out and booked the seats in the cinema. We was going to watch Big Hero 6. I only wanted to watch it because of Dan and Phil.

When we got to the cinema we are early so we popped to the starbucks next door. I hadn't been to starbucks ever since Tyler told me he was leaving

"I'll go order the drinks and pay as my treat" Emma said while getting her purse out her bag

"I'll help carry them" Courtney suggested

They both went to the till and started whispering.

I couldn't deal with the lies anymore. I made sure the girls weren't looking before going into Emma's bag and I found Emma's phone, I knew she couldn't live without it. I was looking for mine but, I couldn't find it, I was about to stop looking when her phone lit up. It was a twitter message from ...Tyler.

It said something along the lines of not meaning to do it and he is sorry. I was interrupted when I heard the girls coming back. 

"Here's your drink Rose" Courtney said while handing me the drink 

"Thank you" I said smiling and we all took a sip of our drink 

"Right are you going to tell me the real reason why we are here or am I going to have to figure it out myself?" I say and they both looked at me with their eyes widened "I know somethings going on, I seen a message from Tyler come up on your phone Emma"

She chocked on her drink "Why was you in my bag?" She said angrily 

"Why are you keeping secrets?" I yell

People start looking at us

"Stop Rose, you're causing a scene" Courtney said quietly 

"I don't really care Courtney, I have a hard enough life without my 'bestfriends' keeping secrets" I say angrily 

"Okay! okay! We will tell you...but, you might not like it" Emma said playing with her fingers

"Thank you" I say rolling my eyes

Emma grabs her phone out her bag and starts scrolling.

"Basically...Tyler...might...well...got it on with a fan" Courtney stuttered. My heart sank slightly. Emma shown me a few pictures on her phone of Tyler kissing a pretty girl, then going into a hotel. I got a lump in my throat. "Oh"

"We took your phone because twitter was flooded with pictures of Tyler and he kept messaging you" Emma said "Are you okay?"

"yeah I'm fine" I lied "It isn't like we are dating...we are bestfriends and that is all we ever was"

They both gave me a questioning look "but you and..."

"I'm fine, now shall we go enjoy ourselves and watch this movie" I interrupted 

"Okay, we should be aloud to go in now" Emma said standing up

A tear rolled down my face. I quickly wiped it before Emma and Courtney noticed. I've got to stop being stupid! We are bestfriends! That night and kiss was nothing special! It was just friendly!

When we got into the screening room. We all placed our food and drinks down and then started to tuck in.

"Rose, are you going to eat something, because, it will all run out soon" Emma asked

"No, I'm not hungry, starbucks fills me" I replied, I just don't feel like eating 

"More for me then" Courtney said reaching for the popcorn and me and Emma just laughed 

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