4 - Goodbye

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I woke up to the sound of birds. I was still in the same position. I looked up to see his big brown eyes staring at me. It sent me all tingly and I couldn't help but, smile.

"Morning beautiful" He said moving my hair and putting it behind my ears. The butterflies in my stomach were going wild. I could just lay like this forever, I was so happy until we had to get up because, he was getting picked up by Cam which is one of his band members in 10 minutes. 

I went back into the house so that Tyler could go home and say goodbye to his family but, when I got in, I looked around to see if I could spot my dad, but, he was nowhere to be seen, his keys, shoes and coat was missing so he must not have come back yet.

I heard this loud beep, then I realized it was a car horn going off, it must have been Cam. I ran outside to find Tyler, his parents, his brothers and Cameron stood on the path.

I closed my door and Tyler must of heard because, he swung round, dropped his bags and ran straight towards me.

He wrapped his arms round me and we squeezed each other. I didn't want to let go. He then whispered "I love you" in my ear, I pulled away slightly but, keeping my arms round him, a tear rolled down my face and I had a lump in my throat. 

He wiped away the tear and held my face in his hand. We just looked into each others eyes, he had big brown eyes. I'm going to miss them so much. He then pulled me in closer and we shared our first kiss. It was magical, I felt like we was the only people in the world, for that moment, I forgot everything, all I could focus on was this feeling I was getting and Tyler.

When we broke it up he engulfed me in another hug and said "Facetime me" and I just nodded.

He slowly walked away and said goodbye to his family. He then got in the car and I watched the car drive away slowly, his family went back in and Tyler was just staring at me. I watched until I couldn't see the car anymore.

Did Tyler really mean it? The kiss? Was it a best friend way or...

I sat on my bed and plugged in my headphones, I had to distract myself from over-thinking because, once I started, I couldn't stop. 

I dozed off and got woken up round 5 o'clock from an incoming call for facetime...it was Tyler and I answered straight away.

"Hey Ro...Have you been sleeping?" Tyler questioned

"I think so" I said fixing my hair "Anyway, how was your flight?" I replied

"Boring, I can't remember most of it because, I was sleeping...I'm already missing you" 

"I miss you to Ty" I said smiling

The conversation went on for hour but, the kiss was not mentioned, I wanted to bring it up but, I couldn't. 

Tyler had to leave for rehearsals and I was getting tired

"Night Rose! I will call you tomorrow at 5 in your time again" He said before waving and ending the call.

Tyler makes me so happy, he makes me feel like I'm actually wanted and that I'm special.


What did you think? You probably expected it :')

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