Entry - "Home Away From Home"

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I sit across my parents, me at one end of the table and them on the other. There was no light conversation, upbeat jokes, or anything during our dinner times; all that existed is the seemingly too loud 'clinks' of our silverware and the heavy silence that came with a business styled family.

They always wear rich clothing that always screamed out to me as pretentious business people who made it a point to show that they have money. It was the description of my parents really; my father always wore a dapper suit with a silk tie and my mother dressed in flowy outfits with shining gems and gold.

I never fitted in with them in their style, their way of life in general. They loved everything that was money and everything that could buy money; I didn't care for it much, at least, not as much as they did. I was a dreamer compared to them, people living in reality and consumed in their property.

The money was nice and all, but it never really bought us happiness. We purchased flights, cruises, vacations, and everything to find something that we would enjoy; all of that, not a single one bought us joy. We resumed our patterns, the only things that would keep us sane if money couldn't.

I placed my silverware down, wiping the corners of my lips with my sleeve and stood up to leave. My parents didn't make a single comment as I stood still for a moment and walked to the little table by the doorway, holding all of our keys and such.

With a slight nod of the head, one that my parents probably didn't see, I grabbed my keys and left my house; it couldn't even be called a home if I felt like it was nothing. There was no love, no joy, no anything that made it seem like a home. All it was is just a house devoid of anything that could be human emotions.

As I entered the comfort of my car, my thoughts drifted from my supposed home over to Liam. I started the car and my engine purred before I set off, thoughts now free to roam everywhere.

My mind was like on autopilot, like it was wired to memorize each turn and road I take to reach Liam's house.

It would have been a complete understatement if I said I went to his house frequently; I went over multiple times in one day, sometimes even staying the night for a few days. Thankfully, his family had treated me like another son and I thought of them as my real family instead.

It made feel better, knowing that there were a few people that cared for me because I knew my own family wouldn't. All they would do is pay the press to keep it on the down low and continue on with their gilded lives. They sometimes scare me with how shallow they are.

My eyes soon saw the familiar, two-story house get bigger as I approached with hidden eagerness. The lights were still on and I could see the tall silhouettes of the family moving in the living room; today was Friday, meaning it was family movie night and they usually invited me to join them.

As I slowed down to a stop in front of their house, I let out a soft sigh at the starry night before shutting off the engine. I stepped out of the car and a gentle breeze hit my body as I stood there, next to my car and under a gold-speckled sky.

My footsteps bounced around in my head, but it never really processed until I found myself knocking at Liam's front door. It was only a quick moment until the door opened by my best friend himself.

"The family was wondering when you would arrive, Zach," He grinned at me before leading me into his house. "You want to change out of your clothes? I still have some of your clothes here from last time."

I looked down at myself, seeing my clothes. I was sporting a pair of too fancy, black dress pants with a white polo. A slight blush on my face told Liam my answer as he let out a loud laugh.

"Alright, thank goodness I kept reminding Mom to wash it. I would offer you my clothes, but you're so much shorter than me!" A loud groan escaped my mouth as I suppressed my laugh, hearing him tease me about my height again.

"Look, I can even use you as an arm rest," Liam smugly said, playfully putting his arm on top of my head.

As we moved slowly up the stairs to his room, we kept bickering over my height as I tried to stop him from using me as an arm rest; but all the way up, we couldn't stop laughing at each other.

I wiped a small tear from my eye, the laughing becoming too much for me. It was nice to be with Liam, laughing and joking as if we were biological brothers and not just measly best friends; it made me realize that a home didn't have to be where you lived.

His family was a good example of that.

I remembered the day I came over to his house, how I was greeted with so many warm faces. Their smiles and words were filled with so much warmth, one that I wasn't used to seeing on people at all; they were like shining as radiant as the sun.

I remember them treating me as if I was one of their own, inviting me to their events, parties, dinners, and everything basically; they had practically become my parents. They were actual parents, one who believed in love and warmth and kindness.

They were the true definition of what a home was.

"Hey, Liam?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, what's up, Zach?"

"Thanks." I smiled. "Thanks for always letting me be here."

Liam rolled his eyes playfully at me before slinging his arm over my shoulder. "You don't have to thank me at all, Zach. We all enjoy having you here. You're a lot more than just a friend now; you're like my brother and you're part of the family now."

I nodded softly, feeling something warm travel down my cheek.

"I know, but still." I looked up at Liam with a smile on my face.

"Thank you for showing me what a real home is."

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[Ash, CubeFicAwards]

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