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Photos aren't mine..

Byul- Italicized
Jin- Bold

Full of flashbacks


Chapter 9

Instead of being splashed with cold water, she is welcomed by the warm embrace of Mrs. Kim.

She smells nice and comforting.

Byulie, get a hold of yourself.

"Have a seat Byulie-ssi. My son is really selfish. He doesn't want my help but mothers know best. See, I found you first."

It's like she's talking to a female version of Seokjin.

Kim Young-Ae. The matriarch of the Kim Family. She's literally a Kim since that's her family name and she married to another Kim. They are referred to as Mr. and Mrs. Kim in the business world and in their household.

"What did that fool do to you? He said you ran away even before he could introduce you to us. I don't know why my sons are clueless when it comes to women."

Her sons.. Does it mean..

"I'm sorry to ask this but, is Seokjin married?"

She gracefully laughs when she hears her question.

"He isn't. I was hoping he would be but he's a fool."

What about Minjun?

"Then, Minjun's dad.."

The older woman already has an idea what happened.

"My other son. Kim Seok-joo. Jin is just ambitious, telling his nephew to call him daddy. My cute grandson calls his parents, momma and papa and he calls Jin daddy."

So she isn't a mistress?!

Moon Byul-yi!!! You could have checked the child's records.

"Let me tell you a short story about my two sons, a.k.a, the dumb and the dumber."

And I could be the dumbest.


"Mom, do I really have to wear this? I can have sex even if I'm wearing this."

The teenager questioned his mom's purpose of giving him a purity ring.

"Yah! Kim Seokjin! Do you want to undergo a vasectomy? When you see that ring, you'll be reminded of the hardships that Minjun went through as well as your sister-in-law. You should be a responsible husband and father so don't let your hormones get ahead of you. Remove that once you're married. Now take a vow and promise that you won't sin before marriage."

The Kims have two sons. Kim Seok-joo and Kim Seok-jin. The older son got her girlfriend pregnant when they were nineteen years old. Since Bae Sun-yong was young, Minjun was delivered earlier than his due date. Because of this, he was sickly and was always at the hospital.

The entire family was worried, especially the grandmother. Seeing the precious boy suffering, she couldn't let it happen again so she made sure she wouldn't fail in making her youngest son aware of the consequences of early pregnancy.

"Come to think of it. You'll just enjoy the pleasure of doing it while the ones who could suffer are the mother and baby. It's unfair. So you should chastise yourself seriously."

He saw how hard it was for his fragile nephew and his young parents back then. The child was a treasure to the entire family and Jin considers himself as his second father.

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