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" Man i thought i was going to die" Iwaizumi said brushing his wet hair backwards. " I apologize for what happened" Y/n bowed.

" No it ok" He said and proceeds to take off his shirt while y/n squeeze the water out of her hair and shirt.

" Man this is much better" Iwaizumi said after he fully took off his shirt. Y/n suddenly got a glimpse of his body. ' Now i know why oikawa is afraid of this man he's ripped' y/n thought.

" HEY! HEY! HEY!" Bokuto suddenly did a cannonball and landed next to the 2, but before the water even hit y/n. Iwaizumi got in front of her and shielded her.

" Bokuto san please don't do that!" Akaashi exclaimed while holding a set of towels. " Well isn't this a glory sight" Y/n said silently enjoying that view of the 2 wet ripped boys in front of her.

" Hey y/n did you see that?!" Bokuto asked.
" Yes yes, but please fix your hair" Y/n said and proceeds to fix his wet hair.

" Thank you!" Bokuto smiled widely. " It's new to see you with your hair down" Y/n said. " You bet it! " Bokuto said. " It's quite handsome " Y/n said swimming away the 2. " Sorry akaashi that your cap got wet" Y/n said. "It's fine" Akaashi smiled.

" W-wha?" Bokuto asked. Y/n got out the pool alongside with iwaizumi. " If y/n is the one competing in this competition she already won us all" Kita said and ushijima agreed.

" Y/n have you thought of a new training regiment for the team?" Iwaizumi asked while wiping himself dry using the towel that akaashi have earlier.

" I already thought of some, but it's not finished yet" Y/n said. " Hello!" A guy suddenly popped out in front of the 2.

" Um hi?" Y/n said. " Would you be interested in participating in a volleyball tournament later?" He offered.

" Volleyball tournament?" Iwaizumi asked. " Yes, It will be held in the gym of our hotel" He said.
" I mean it wouldn't hurt to play a little" Y/n said and iwaizumi agreed.

" Sure we'll participate " Y/n said. " Thank you!" The guy thanked them.

Time skip

" Wow i didn't know that they're here too " Iwaizumi said looking at their first opponent.
" Well if you mentioned the word volleyball this two shared brain cell will act on it's on" Y/n said looking at hinata and kageyama.

" We're gonna win against you y/n chan!" Hinata declared. " Yea yea, if you can " Y/n smirked.

Hinata and kageyama immediately lost against the 2. " Nice save" Y/n said. " I'm still no match for y/n chan!" Hinata pouted.

After many sets later all of the opponents of the 2 are shredded into pieces even the top aces of the male league in japan.

" We make a pretty undefeated duo" Y/n said and iwaizumi agreed. " It's getting dark i should probably pick someone to share a room with " Y/n mumbled.

Time skip

" Oi shittykawa why do you look so devastated?" Iwaizumi asked finding oikawa frowning. " Y/n chan already picked someone to share a room with and it's not me!" Oikawa said.

" AGAAASHI!" Bokuto cried. " What is it bokuto san?" Akaashi asked. " Y/n already chose someone and it's not me!" Bokuto pouted. " Really? Because it's not me either" Akaashi said.

" Should we drink it away?" Osamu asked.
" Give me that" Suna grabbed the shot glass and drunk it. " Give me one too!" Atsumu said.
" Well i better ready the cleaning supplies because this is going to be a mess later" Kita said.

" Kenma want to play games?" Kuroo asked.
" Wow kuroo you look really heartbroken " Kenma joked. " You look one too bringing tons of games but she didn't chose you either" Kuroo said.

" 2v1 match on the court?" Hoshiumi offered to hinata and kageyama who agreed.

" Should we discuss some of the cleaning supplies we use?" Sakusa offered to ushijima.

" It's ok yachi" Kiyoko said looking at yachi who's already on her 2nd bottle of sake.

" Tsukki you good?" Yamaguchi asked tsukishima who's covered in blanket while listening to music.

" Sir you're going to clear out our whole stock of gari gari kun" The employee sweat dropped looking at nishinoya eating the popsicle with 2 consecutive bites.

The winner

" Man this day is exhausting " Someone said while entering their room. They opened the light and saw y/n laying on the other side of the bed.

" Welcome back" Y/n greeted. " Wait..wait! WAIT!" They panicked. " That means you chose me?" They asked.

Y/n hummed in response. " This is unexpected " They blushed. " Hurry up and wash up let's drink!" Y/n said.

After that the 2 sat at the balcony while holding a beer. " I'm glad that you chose me" Iwaizumi said. " I'm glad that i chose you too" Y/n smiled.

" Can i say something random?" He asked, y/n hummed in response. " When oikawa said that he liked you i was a little confuse on why, because i thought it was stupid for a love at first sight " He chuckled.

" But as time passes by I found out what and he liked you " Iwaizumi said. " And that made me little by little like you and i fell harder that i intended to" Iwaizumi blushed.

 " And that made me little by little like you and i fell harder that i intended to" Iwaizumi blushed

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" Hey look at me" Y/n said and he looked at her. " I also found it odd that you're not head over heels for me and that made me attracted to you for some reason and as time passes i found out why" Y/n smiled.

" So our feelings are the same?" Iwaizumi asked rubbing his nape. " Hmm.. Will this answer it?" Y/n kissed his cheek.

Making iwaizumi's eyes widen. " Oi that ain't fair" Iwaizumi pulled her closer to him and kissed her.

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