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It was late, around 1pm when Charlotte heard footsteps thumping up her stairs, by the sound of it, it was her big brother

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It was late, around 1pm when Charlotte heard footsteps thumping up her stairs, by the sound of it, it was her big brother. The young girl lay curled in a ball in her queen sized bed, half covered in a sage green duvet. The window cracked open so the brunette could feel a cold breeze on the parts of her body that were uncovered and she could listen to the rain hitting the window sill at a particular time.

Ofcourse this was before she was interrupted by Derek. The oldest Shepherd rushed into the young womans room looking straight towards his sister "-she was with Mark, i found my wife in bed with my bestfriend" he spoke loudly his voice laced with anger not noticing his sisters glossy brown eyes staring up at him. Charlotte tried to hide the fact that her chest hurt to know that two days ago that was her in bed with her brothers bestfriend now its his wife.

its a right of passage to sleep with derek, she rhought Nancys words not hers, but she had to be there for her brother never mind how she was feelinf "w-what are you okay?" he didnt answer his sister as a tear rolled down his face she looked at him before gesturing him to sit down and he did he lay his head of her chest as she stroked his hair and he sobbed, he sobbed like no man would infact charlotte had never even seen her brother cry before.

The next morning, Charlotte stood over the oven with a pan in her hand flipping blueberry pancakes as Derek sat on the chair staring into space "so you gonna eat these or what?" Charlotte spoke softly to her brother. He simply nodded before picking up his fork.

"So der about the phone call i had" she spoke up trying to take both their minds off of the situation "em, I was offered a place at Seatle Grace hospital ad an intern obviously"

Her brother chocked on his orango juice, "your gonna take it?" he asked in shock at his sister for even telling him about it

"well i couldnt let you ride that ferry boat without me could i?" she smiled softly at him.

Charlotte had always had a thing for ferry boats, she first rode one at 2 years old with her mother and Derek, Derek had reminded her about that ferry boat every day for the past 21 years and she would love to have the opportunity to see it once again.

"so seatle, youll come with me?" he questioned earning a smile and a nod from the newest surgical intern at seatle grace hospital.

Charlotte had just graduated from Harvard medical school, she already knew that she wanted to be an intern and she knew she wanted to be in Plastics she got it from well, you know who. They werent as close as Derek and Mark but she studied under him and she really admired him untill last night. She didnt think she wanted anything to do with that man ever again. Not after hurting her only brother.

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