The Knife

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After all this time waiting, you still weren't prepared for this moment. Your main target and ticket to the Black Whale were directly in front of you, hands on his hips, confidently waiting for you to cower in fear or make a move.

"You have to be Hisoka Morow. Just the person I've been looking for." You swiftly regained your composure after being pushed by him. Standing tall and smiling at him, your demeanor caught his curiosity.

"Oh, and you are? Did they already compensate for the precious lives lost? How excellent!" He raised his finger to his lip and sarcastically gazed off into the corner, chuckling condescendingly. "You don't seem to be worth much of my attention in any case. Unless you're doing it on purpose, your aura is the weakest I've ever seen. Seems superfluous."

You had a significant advantage over him. You understood all about his talents based on what others who had witnessed them firsthand had told you. Hisoka, on the other hand, knew nothing about you.

"Hah. I'm not a spider; I was hired to kill you." Being direct — but without providing key specifics — mighty attempted to confuse him even more, giving you more time to devise a strategy for defeating him. You'd be fine if you could keep this conversation going for another thirty seconds.

"That's ridiculous; I've already hired Illumi for that, haven't I? I'm even less eager to fight you now. How pitiful." He started walking towards the entrance where Chrollo was thrown, completely ignoring your presence. He seemed to have determined you were no match for him, or he simply didn't want to battle you. How strange.

You decided to make a move before he could get to the door. You put your right arm across your neck in less than a second and turned to the side, conjuring three sharp blades into your hand. You then threw your arm out quickly, forcing the blades to reach Hisoka in less than a second.

He could detect your spike in aura the moment you conjured the blades, giving him a brief moment to react. He produced Bungee Gum to make a shield to catch the blades just before they reached him, unaware that this would not work.

Those three blades slashed through his Bungee Gum, piercing him in both shoulders and the chest. For the time being, you caught him off guard. Something like that should not have been possible, yet it was for you. Nothing, not even your ability, should have been able to break through his nen, but your ability was far more intricate than that, making it feasible.

"Darn, don't you think I should have aimed a little higher?" You knew you'd piqued his interest. You also needed to move Hisoka away from the door so Chrollo wouldn't get in your way or observe your abilities.

"So you were concealing that aura. That is intriguing. I'll bite." This is where he was mistaken; you weren't concealing anything, and there was no need in explaining how. Hisoka remained cool and intrigued on the outside, but he was astonished on the inside. Many thoughts were flying through his mind as he tried to figure out how you achieved that.

You wasted no time in running at him to unleash another attack. You vanished in front of his eyes in the middle of your rush toward him, prompting him to pause in surprise. You then returned behind him, aiming to swing another blade at his skull, but he felt your presence and was able to dodge it in an instant. You graze his cheek before he ducks and grabs your neck, throwing you against the wall behind you both.

Your entire body collides with the wall, and you collapse to the ground. You struggle to rise up despite your entire body aching. Your vision is a little blurry, but you manage to get back up on your feet and smile at Hisoka. You were prepared for the possibility that you may come out of this fight with some scratches, but you were confident you would win. Hisoka appeared to be as excited as you were. In his perspective, anyone who had the ability to harm him as much as you did was worth battling.

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